« Dean Wareham(Galaxie 500, Luna, Dean & Britta)訪談(上) | 回到主頁面 | Franz Ferdinand - Tonight: Franz Ferdinand & Black Lips - 200 Million Thousand »
2009-03- 8, 11:33 PM
Dean Wareham(Galaxie 500, Luna, Dean & Britta)訪談(下)
你們前陣子在The Cure致敬專輯翻唱了Friday I'm In Love,恰好那也是我最喜歡的The Cure曲子,怎麼會挑那首?
我愛那首歌,不過開錄後我才發現那是一首很難唱的歌 -- 至少我無法像Robert Smith(註:The Cure主唱)那樣唱。他把好多力氣帶進歌裡,如果我用一樣的唱法,聽來一定很笨。
你們最近想必為13 Most Beautiful: Songs For Andy Warhol Screen Tests這計畫忙翻了,我好奇你們是從多少館藏中選出了最後十三卷Screen Tests?
我在Andy Warhol博物館看了大約一百卷,然後又借了四十卷回家。一共花了好幾個月才選出最後這十三卷,我很滿意最後的結果。
Andy Warhol這些Screen Tests都是黑白默片,而另一方面,你們也曾譜寫電影配樂的The Squid and The Whale(親情難捨)既是彩色又有許多對話,替這兩種截然不同的影像譜曲,過程是否非常不同?
Screen Tests本身沒有對話,我們因此能自由的將歌聲放進配樂裡。十三首歌有八首都有唱歌,五首則是純演奏曲。由於影像的長度都是四分鐘,正是完美的歌曲長度。
我在很多地方讀到,Andy Warhol並非Velvet Underground錄音室裡的製作人,他的角色其實更像經紀人。你曾在九○年代與他們一同巡迴,就你所知這是真的嗎?(註:Velvet Underground曾於1993年短暫重組,邀請Luna一同巡迴歐洲;Velvet Underground創團吉他手Sterling Morrison也於Luna的專輯Bewitched裡擔任客席樂手)
「製作人」這個稱謂對不同人代表不同意義。有的製作人希望把鼓手炒魷魚,替你把每一首歌微調到最好。我想Andy Warhol的角色是將氣氛搞對,讓Velvet Underground可以做他們最想做的事。Andy Warhol當然沒有親自調整音控台上的旋鈕,或給予樂團混音建議。不過間隔那麼久,現在很難確切得知當初是誰在錄音室做了哪些事。可以確定的是Tom Wilson替專輯錄了好幾首歌,他是很棒的製作人(也曾替Bob Dylan、Simon & Garfunkel錄音)。
去年八月你們在紐約Zipper Factory做了一場全是Galaxie 500曲子的表演(是的,我已下載完整場了...),這是Galaxie 500解散後第一次嗎?你的歌聲好像沒有變化太多。站在台上再度演奏這些曲子,是否有似曾相識的感覺?
這是Galaxie 500解散後,我頭一次在一場表演裡演出超過兩首Galaxie 500的曲子。再度演奏那麼久沒表演的歌,情感泉湧而至 -- 這些歌又跟新的一樣了。只是要唱到以前的音高,對現在的我來說有點困難,但我可以的,我只是缺乏練習。
昨晚看了布烈松的Au Hasard Balthazar(驢子巴達薩),很棒,不過當然了,這不是近期的電影。最近喜歡的新片是The Diving Bell & The Butterfly(潛水鐘與蝴蝶)。
我喜歡Jonathan Richman的新專輯Because Her Beauty Is Raw And Wild,也喜歡Glen Campbell新專輯裡的幾首歌(對我來說有點意外),收錄了一首滿酷的Velvet Underground翻唱曲Jesus。其他喜歡的還有Fleet Foxes和Crystal Stilts新專輯。

最近終於看到你主演的短片Pumpkin Hell,劇情真是嚇人又詭異。我很高興影片結束時搭的是Galaxie 500的Fourth Of July,我感覺鬆了一口氣。
You do a cover version for Friday I'm In Love for The Cure tribute album, and that's also my favorite The Cure song. Why do you choose that song?
I love that song, but I discovered that it was very difficult to sing - or at least, I couldn't sing it the way that Robert Smith sings it. He brings so much energy to it, but I sound silly if I try to sing that way.
I know you have been super busy for the Warhol screen tests project. I'm curious from how many screen tests you narrowed down to just 13?
I looked at about a hundred of them at the Warhol Museum, and brought about 40 home with me. It took many months to narrow it down to thirteen, but I am very happy with the people we picked.
Is it the first time for you to do such large-scale multimedia performance?
Yes it is. It's a new thing for us. We have played live on big stages, and we have scored film, but we've never had to perform the score live to picture, it's very tricky.
Since the screen tests are black/white and silent, does it make the whole composing experience very different from doing the soundtrack for films such as The Squid and The Whale? (Colorful and lots of dialogues.)
No dialogue to get in the way, so we are free to put vocals on these. Of the 13, 8 have vocals, 5 are instrumental. These films are all 4 minutes long, the perfect length for songs.
I read from many places that Andy Warhol isn't the real producer in the studio for Velvet Underground. His role is more like the manager. You toured with them back to the 90's, as you know is it true?
Well the word "producer" means different things to different people. Some producers want to fire the drummer and fix all your songs for you. I think Andy Warhol produced in that he created an atmosphere where they could do exactly what they wanted. But of course he didn't twiddle the knobs or make mixing comments. But it's hard to get real information as to who did what. Tom Wilson recorded at least some of those tracks, and he was a great record producer (Dylan, Simon & Garfunkel).
Last August you performed a whole set of Galaxie 500 songs (Yes, I've already downloaded them...). Is it the first time you do this after the band broke up? I think your voice isn't changed too much. Did you feel déjà vu on the stage?
That was the only time we've ever done more than 2 Galaxie 500 songs. I do get a surge of emotion playing songs that I haven't played for so many years - they are new again. It was hard to sing that high, but I can get there - I'm just out of practice.
You put out a Christmas single in 2007. Why didn't we have the same treat last year?
Same Christmas single (because last year it arrived too late to send to people).
What's your recent favorite film?
Last night we saw Bresson's Au Hasard Balthazar and that was great. Of course it's not a recent film... the last new film I loved was The Diving Bell & the Butterfly
What are your favorite albums of 2008?
The new Jonathan Richman - Because her Beauty is Raw and Wild
I like some songs on the new Glen Campbell album (this was a surprise) - he does a cool version of "Jesus" by the Velvet Underground
Fleet Foxes album
Crystal Stilts album
That Pumpkin Hell film is just so creepy and weird. When the credits are rolling I'm so glad they choose to play Fourth Of July, it's such a relief.
It is creepy and weird. I know - I was running around a corn field at 5 a.m., in my underpants, with a pumpkin on my head, asking "how did this happen?"
(文章頂端與下方的現場照片攝於2007.10.16紐約Bowery Ballroom)
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Sterling Morrison他還活著嗎?
由 EE 發表於 March 12, 2009 11:38 PM
to EE,
Sterling Morrison於1994年幫Luna的Bewitched專輯擔任客席樂手,沒料到隔年就過世了。
感人的是,Velvet Underground於1996年被引薦進搖滾名人堂,仍在世的三名成員Lou Reed、John Cale與Moe Tucker在晚會上,一同表演了Last Night I Said Goodbye To My Friend獻給他,此處可聽:
由 pulp 發表於 March 13, 2009 12:22 AM
如果Sterling Morrison還活著,就還有機會在看到完整的重組...
Sterling Morrison雖然在VU只是配角,但他的吉他演奏真的很不賴
由 EE 發表於 May 8, 2009 3:56 PM
由 cyh 發表於 May 28, 2009 3:05 AM
Dean Wareham透過這篇文章回顧Warhol’s Screen Tests的配樂過程,必讀:
由 pulp 發表於 July 26, 2009 12:37 AM