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2006-03- 5, 4:08 PM

The Winners of Independent Spirit Awards and my Oscar Predictions

indie.jpg 選在"奧斯卡":http://www.oscars.com/前一晚舉辦,"Independent Spirit Awards":http://www.ifc.com/ifctvflash/SpiritAwards2006/頗有與之互別苗頭之意。 兩個獎項在規模上當然無法相提並論。奧斯卡今年已邁入第七十八屆,Independent Spirit Awards才舉辦了二十一年。不似前者等同於好萊塢一年一度的進香團大膜拜、紙醉金迷的火力展示,由非營利組織"Film Independent":http://www.filmindependent.org/主辦的Independent Spirit Awards,不論場地、參與人員與典禮氣氛都充斥著獨立影人特有的非主流氣息。今年的主持人為美國當紅的喜劇女演員"Sarah Silverman":http://www.jesusismagicthemovie.com/,頒獎人則有Naomi Watts、Lisa Kudrow、Matt Dillon、Henry Rollins與Peter Sarsgaard等。所有獎項的提名人幾乎全數到齊(包括George Clooney),影人對此一獎項的重視程度可見一斑。 台下雖稱不上星光閃閃,許多時常出現於獨立電影裡的熟面孔卻點綴著會場周遭,能使獨立影迷甚有親切感。類似金球獎的佈置,會場以圓形餐桌為主軸,同一劇組的人員彼此輕鬆交談,沒有奧斯卡的正襟危坐之感。由於轉播單位"IFC":http://www.ifc.com/以現場播出,不但未穿插任何廣告,台上的出軌言詞也來不及消音,整晚fxxk、sxxt這些四字箴言不斷出現。少了可笑的嗶嗶聲作梗,讓人看得相當過癮。最勁爆的橋段當屬最佳導演的頒獎人以言語大吃Sarah Silverman豆腐,甚至拿自己與老婆間的性事大做文章;用字之大膽直接,很難想像此等情況發生在奧斯卡的結果。巧的是,李安剛好從他手中接下了最佳導演獎座。 列出過去二十年的最佳影片得主,或許能助我們釐清它的品味走向。
2005 - Sideways 2004 - Lost in Translation 2003 - Far From Heaven 2002 - Memento 2001 - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 2000 - Election 1999 - Gods and Monsters 1998 - The Apostle 1997 - Fargo 1996 - Leaving Las Vegas 1995 - Pulp Fiction 1994 - Short Cuts 1993 - The Player 1992 - Rambling Rose 1991 - The Grifters 1990 - Sex, Lies, and Videotape 1989 - Stand and Deliver 1988 - River's Edge 1987 - Platoon 1986 - After Hours
如李安於領獎時所說,目前已經沒有真正的獨立電影了。他的意思是,拍出一部好的電影,需要各式各樣的元素巧妙結合才行。不論好的劇本、好的演員或好的製作,無人能憑一己之力即拍出雋永經典的影片。此外,各大主流片廠紛紛成立看似獨立的子公司,實則資金運作或通路發行仍以商業考量為主。創作人身處商業現實與個人意志的平衡點,更需要一個公正客觀的獎項來持續鼓勵這些秉持理念的優秀影人。 這二十部電影裡,只有Sideways、Lost in Translation、臥虎藏龍、Fargo、Pulp Fiction與Platoon同時入圍了當年度的奧斯卡最佳影片;最終只有Platoon贏得了奧斯卡。如果說金球獎是奧斯卡的風向球,Independent Spirit Awards可說是風馬牛不相干了。可這個結果極有可能於今年被打破,我們先看今年得主。
Best Feature Brokeback Mountain Winner Capote Good Night, and Good Luck. The Squid and the Whale The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada Best Director Ang Lee for Brokeback Mountain Winner Gregg Araki for Mysterious Skin Noah Baumbach for The Squid and the Whale George Clooney for Good Night, and Good Luck. Rodrigo García for Nine Lives Best Female Lead Felicity Huffman for Transamerica Winner Dina Korzun for Forty Shades of Blue Laura Linney for The Squid and the Whale S. Epatha Merkerson for Lackawanna Blues Cyndi Williams for Room Best Male Lead Philip Seymour Hoffman for Capote Winner Jeff Daniels for The Squid and the Whale Terrence Howard for Hustle & Flow Heath Ledger for Brokeback Mountain David Strathairn for Good Night, and Good Luck. Best Supporting Female Amy Adams for Junebug Winner Maggie Gyllenhaal for Happy Endings Allison Janney for Our Very Own Michelle Williams for Brokeback Mountain Robin Wright Penn for Nine Lives Best Supporting Male Matt Dillon for Crash Winner Firdous Bamji for The War Within Jesse Eisenberg for The Squid and the Whale Barry Pepper for The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada Jeffrey Wright for Broken Flowers Best Screenplay Capote - Dan Futterman Winner Nine Lives - Rodrigo García The Squid and the Whale - Noah Baumbach The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada - Guillermo Arriaga The War Within - Ayad Akhtar, Joseph Castelo, Tom Glynn Best First Screenplay Transamerica - Duncan Tucker Winner The Beautiful Country - Sabina Murray Fixing Frank - Ken Hanes Junebug - Angus MacLachlan Me and You and Everyone We Know - Miranda July Best Cinematography Good Night, and Good Luck. - Robert Elswit Winner Capote - Adam Kimmel Keane - John Foster Last Days - Harris Savides The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada - Chris Menges Best First Feature Crash Winner Lackawanna Blues Me and You and Everyone We Know Thumbsucker Transamerica Best Foreign Film Paradise Now Winner Gegen die Wand Moartea domnului Lazarescu Temporada de patos Tony Takitani Best Documentary Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room Winner Grizzly Man Romántico Sierra, La Sir! No Sir!
斷背山極有可能成為Platoon之後,第一部同時獲得奧斯卡與Independent Spirit Awards的年度電影。至於大家所關心的最佳導演競逐,包括昨晚的Independent Spirit Awards在內,李安已幾乎擒下了美國境內的所有獎項了,目前只差奧斯卡的最後認證。我認為今年的機會比起2001年的臥虎藏龍大的多,畢竟斷背山是拍美國人自己的故事,相對於臥虎藏龍的東方主義,奧斯卡給起獎能更無顧慮。李安的最大對手應是Steven Spielberg。Munich有雄厚的主流大廠支撐,如於投票最終發動各類攻勢動搖學院會員的意志,任何翻盤結果都有可能發生。 最佳男主角會是Philip Seymour Hoffman,他於Capote裡的表現實在太出色。其他人與之差上一截,只有持續陪榜的份。最佳女主角應是Felicity Huffman與Reese Witherspoon二擇一,我希望是Felicity Huffman得獎。Reese Witherspoon目前坐擁的高漲聲勢,只能說Walk the Line的角色太過討喜。可是她的演技缺乏了更細膩的層次,禁不起更高標準的檢視。其他預測如下: 男配角: Matt Dillon、女配角: Catherine Keener、攝影: Good Night, and Good Luck.、原著劇本: Crash、改編劇本: 斷背山。 再過四小時就將揭曉。這些猜謎到底有多少準度,且讓我們拭目以待,同時為李安祈禱。 Related Articles: "Brokeback Mountain 斷背山":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/006937.html "Walk the Line - A Film About Johnny Cash":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/006920.html "Good Night, and Good Luck by George Clooney":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/006486.html "Capote, A Story about Truman Capote":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/006422.html "Grizzly Man by Werner Herzog":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/006402.html "A History Of Violence - Another Masterpiece by David Cronenberg":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/006274.html "Lost In Translation":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/004655.html

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Yiling 發表於 March 6, 2006 2:36 PM

最後結果有點出乎意料又不會太意外,選Crash祇能說是政治正確的選擇。Academy Awards代表著那幾千名影藝協會成員的品味走向,當然不意味著Oscar Best Picture就是當年全美上映過的最佳電影。不過斷背山幾乎橫掃2005年所有最佳影片頭銜之餘卻只在"號稱"最具權威的Oscar失利還是有點可惜啊!


dionysoslin 發表於 March 6, 2006 2:37 PM


由 hiro1221 發表於 March 6, 2006 4:55 PM

Brokeback Mountain被Crash幹掉,相對來說也不那麼令人意外了。

pulp 發表於 March 8, 2006 2:52 PM


由 戴先生 發表於 December 5, 2008 5:30 AM

to 戴先生,

這邊列出的20齣是Independent Spirit Awards的最佳影片,不是奧斯卡的。

pulp 發表於 December 7, 2008 7:21 PM