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2007-12-29, 11:58 PM

Disappointing Albums of 2007

pumpkins 2007是豐收的一年,卻也不乏失望之作。 然須釐清的為,同樣一張作品,卻有可能是他人的熱愛大碟。反之,我的年度最愛,或許也名列他人的失望榜單之中。一張專輯,各自表述,本為聆聽音樂最有趣的面向之一。不論個人根深蒂固的聽覺養成過程、當下心境或情緒起伏、甚至周遭來往的人物,皆會影響該年的選樂取向。 回首過往,我從2000年開始整理榜單,如今已邁入第八個年頭。說是分享所愛,不如說是替當時的自己留下一則見證,留下一頁紮實的記錄。這和我連續寫了十幾年日記頗有異曲同工之妙,初衷都是向自己負責,莫讓日子糊裡糊塗地消失了。 下列這些作品,除了Clap Your Hands Say Yeah與Smashing Pumpkins讓我失望至無話可說,其餘專輯絕非毫無可取之處。譬如Bloc Party或Interpol,皆有歌曲名列於我年度單曲之上;譬如Bjork或Arctic Monkeys,皆是花了大把銀兩打造出的上乘製作物;譬如Kent或The Rosebuds,皆是亟欲嘗試不同風格的創新之作。它們之所以名列於此,並非有什麼不足之處,乃在於還可以更求突破,更具野心。 這年頭,選擇複製同樣一套成功模式,當然是條安全的路。然而,卻是那群不斷挑戰自我的先驅者,可以在遞嬗的時間中激盪出更深沈的作用。即使當下看來,是如此微不足道。 (按字母順序排列) Arctic Monkeys - Favourite Worst Nightmare arcticmonkeys Bjork - Volta bjork Bloc Party - A Weekend In The City A_Weekend_in_the_City Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Some Loud Thunder CLAP YOUR HANDS SAY YEAH Editors - An End Has A Start AN_END_HAS_A_START Interpol - Our Love To Admire interpol Kent - Tillbaka Till Samtiden Tillbakatillsamtiden The Rosebuds - Night Of The Furies TheRosebudsNightOfTheFuries Smashing Pumpkins - Zeitgeist zeitgeist Voxtrot - Voxtrot voxtrot

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也許因為我對他們期望太高了,從他們主唱的訪談來看,他們也對自己的首張專輯要求相當高,也許是因為這樣,而陷入了try too hard的瓶頸吧


由 gronkjaer 發表於 January 1, 2008 4:49 PM

I personally like Kent's new effort very much. It's one of my favorite this year. But I understand your point, saying the album itself is good but could have been more revolutionary.

I totally agree with what you said about the Interpol album which is half fantastic to me; and Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, which turned me off completely.

Noel 發表於 January 2, 2008 7:18 AM

smashing pumpkins是朋友送我的,听了两遍

由 cornershop 發表於 January 2, 2008 10:41 AM

to gronkjaer,

若不是最後一首歌唱了我非常喜愛的The Start Of Something,簡直就要敗興而歸了。

to Noel,

The reason Kent's new album is a letdown for me is because I still much prefer their previous guitar-oriented style, not these synth-pop influenced sounds. Which is not to say Tillbaka Till Samtiden is a bad album. I definitely believe other people can enjoy this album a lot, but just not my cup of tea. :)

pulp 發表於 January 3, 2008 4:28 PM

I think you may not be aware of the departure of Kent's guitarist...so it may be possible that they are forced to find a new song without a guitar player.

BTW, I live in New York too. I'm from Hong Kong:) Nice to meet you, love reading your blog, keep working!

Noel 發表於 January 6, 2008 2:51 AM

to Noel,

I do notice the leaving of their guitarist.
Actually, the sound of their new albums isn't a total surprise for me.
I just prefer their previous style.

pulp 發表於 January 8, 2008 7:43 PM