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2007-12-21, 1:04 AM

Beirut - The Flying Club Cup

beirut 回憶起多數人的十九歲,多的是遊手好閒,虛晃度日。 出生於新墨西哥州的"Zach Condon":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zach_Condon,卻自乏味的大學生活抽身,獨自躲在臥房,灌錄著不知能否尋得知音的Demo帶。他的擔心顯然多餘了,結果卻也好得出人意表。以黎巴嫩首都為團名,Zach Condon找來一夥成員,於2006年發行了首張專輯Gulag Orkestar。彷彿東歐的吉普賽遇上北美的獨立搖滾,"Beirut":http://www.beirutband.com/兼容了巴爾幹傳統民謠與新世代Indie-Pop的特立曲風,質地纖細,紋理精緻,就像一只銅製的古老工藝品,承載著來自另一個時空次元的瑰麗之聲。 正當英美兩地的獨立樂壇進行著一場“複製 – 再生”的循環遊戲,如何打造出專屬的識別聲響(Signature Sound),便成了所有新團都會遇上的艱困任務。Beirut透過流暢的編曲,不只保存了吉普賽音樂的漂蕩氣韻,更聰明地替這等復古情調添上一件摩登外衣。Zach Condon浪漫真摯的年輕歌聲,漂泊卻也可親,流浪卻也溫潤。Beirut以極快的速度脫穎而出,不只因兜售著異國情調,更是不落俗套的音樂識見,扮演了推波助瀾的幕後要角。 隨著一夕爆紅的盛名,Zach Condon卻也嚐到「少年得志大不幸」的滋味。連續兩個月的北美巡迴令身體無法負荷,他決定拋開所有,逃逸至巴黎。這看似無意之舉,卻也造就了新專輯The Flying Club Cup的主調。除了取名靈感來自於二十世紀初期,舉行於法國的熱氣球慶典,Zach Condon更將專輯中的每一首歌獻給一座法國小城。而旅居花都期間,那些終日聆聽的法式香頌,更成了Zach Condon隨手可得的創作養分。 依循著年初推出的迷你專輯Lon Gisland,The Flying Club Cup的洗鍊與精準,再度讓人驚艷Zach Condon的早慧。揮別了過往的Lo-Fi錄音美學,新作幾乎無失真地捕捉了Beirut獨具的劇場感。慵懶的華爾滋節奏搭上炙燃的銅管樂器,配合手風琴、曼陀林與四弦琴等“傳統”樂器,即便聽者忽略歌詞(當然都是些傷心情事),Beirut的歌曲卻含有豐沛的敘事性格,似乎每一個音節都藏著故事,每一粒音符都裹著「走吧!我們去旅行。」的渲染力。邀來"Arcade Fire":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/004759.html御用小提琴手"Owen Pallett":http://www.myspace.com/owenpalletmusic(Final Fantasy)主理弦樂與獻唱,更讓The Flying Club Cup擁有更多元的樂手特質。 真要說Beirut的音樂有什麼缺陷,其太過飽滿的編曲倘若聽久了,不免顯得油膩,給人拖泥帶水之感。這也是為何新專輯共十三首歌,總長卻不到四十分鐘。成功,通常都是仔細計算而來;Zach Condon現年不過二十一歲,顯然深諳此道。 (原文刊載於「破報」復刊"491":http://pots.tw/node/3311期)

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Anny 發表於 December 21, 2007 1:52 AM

Hey Beirut is awesome.

I saw them in September. Zack's voice is very contagious-- a melancholy young man singing hopelessly in a happy Gypsy Parade.

Ticket is almost imposible to get after they became so popular. Hope to see them again soon.

由 Keroro 發表於 December 21, 2007 1:03 PM


由 fiume 發表於 December 21, 2007 1:51 PM

to Keroro,

Where did you see them?
I also saw Beirut this September in NYC.
My date is 9/24 @ Society for Ethical Culture.
Maybe we went to the same one.

I like how you put them this way: "a melancholy young man singing hopelessly in a happy Gypsy Parade." That's so accurate.

I have some bittersweet stories about Beirut's live.

Before this September, I had two chances to see them, and I both bought the tickets. However, the first time, which was last June in Northsix, I just happened to stay in hospital due to my damn appendicitis.

And the second time, I believe that's last winter in Bowery Ballroom, Zach Condon was too sick to perform, so the gig was cancelled.

Anyway, I finally saw them this September. And that's absolutely a memorable show.

pulp 發表於 December 21, 2007 6:43 PM

Haha, we did go to the same one.The venue is at UWS nearby Central Park,right? We sat whole night long and in the end, Zach had everyone stand up and sing " A Sunday Smile" togehter! Haha.

Few of my friends also got tickets for Bowery Ballroom too but like you said, it was cancelled. And they couldn't get tickets for the September. I was really lucky to see them at first attempt!

Btw, are you still in NYC or back to Taiwan?

I'm going to Blonde Redhead in 1/19.. :)

由 Keroro 發表於 December 23, 2007 4:48 AM


由 colin6517 發表於 December 24, 2007 11:45 PM

to Keroro,

I'm back to Taiwan.
I saw Blonde Redhead last September in Austin.
The female singer is so HOT.

to colin6517,

若喜歡The Flying Club Cup,可別錯過了Beirut去年初發行的EP - Lon Gisland。

pulp 發表於 January 3, 2008 5:08 PM