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2007-12-16, 11:47 PM
Kevin Drew – Spirit If...

難以忘卻2005年"Broken Social Scene":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/007268.html同名專輯的最後一曲,長達十分鐘的It's All Gonna Break。
交疊著失序、瘋狂與高潮滿佈,彷彿宣告著Broken Social Scene已抵達一處未曾征服的嶄新次元。前方人煙稀落,他們已拋開同儕太遠,無法再向後看了。結束了緊湊的世界巡迴,Broken Social Scene決定放緩腳步,休養生息。這不是句點,而是開啟另一篇章的必經路程。成員各自返回母團衝刺,如"Stars":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005215.html、Do Make Say Think、Metric與Apostle Of Hustle都於今年繳出了傑出作品,遑論Feist以單人之姿橫掃樂界。
身為兩枚核心靈魂,"Kevin Drew":http://www.arts-crafts.ca/kevindrew/與Brendan Canning不似其餘夥伴仍有依歸,Broken Social Scene就是他們的一切。他們決定以Broken Social Scene Presents為名,接連推出“單飛”專輯。如此一來,能以個人名義發表新作,更能於Broken Social Scene重聚之前,將樂團精神持續發揚。Spirit If…便是Kevin Drew掛名的第一擊。
花上兩年時間錄音,雖為生涯首張個人作品,Spirit If…依舊散發著濃厚的Broken Social Scene風情。除了Kevin Drew本為樂團主唱與創作磐石,Spirit If…高達二十餘人的客席樂手名單,過往皆為Broken Social Scene的固定班底。尤其Do Make Say Think團員Ohad Benchetrit與Charles Spearin更在Spirit If…扮演了吃重角色。前者是製作人兼錄音師,後者更於十年之前,早與Kevin Drew共組了Broken Social Scene前身樂團"KC Accidental":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KC_Accidental。
開場曲Farewell To The Pressure Kids以轟然龐大的格局揭幕,似乎刻意承接了It's All Gonna Break埋下的伏筆。正當聽者準備迎接預料中的爆發片刻,曲勢卻急轉直下,往悄然靜謐之路走去。這等沈穩格局,也替Spirit If…定了調: 它當屬如假包換的Broken Social Scene延伸聆聽,更是Kevin Drew暫自這組超級樂團脫身,回歸本我的私密溯往。
Spirit If…證明Kevin Drew是名無可救藥的浪漫主義者,否則他無法將情侶間的易碎絮語,戀愛時的臥房瑣事描繪得如此輕盈生動。Spirit If…也再次證明Kevin Drew的寫歌才氣,諸如Gangbang Suicide的呢喃流轉,或邀來Broken Social Scene三姝(Feist、"Emily Haines":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/009151.html、Amy Millan)同聲齊唱的Aging Faces / Losing Places,都是氛圍閒適的極品小曲。專輯裡我最愛之歌Frightening Lives的層次揚升與加速前駛,或請來"Dinosaur Jr.":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/006322.html吉他手J Mascis獻藝的Backed Out On The...,卻也展現了Kevin Drew血性奔放的一面。而那首動用了十人編制的Bodhi Sappy Weekend,巧妙編織了溫暖銅管與悠揚弦樂,想必一路跟隨的樂迷皆能聽得稱心如意。
細聲吟唱卻也大力呼喊,Kevin Drew讓顆粒純淨的吉他、晶瑩的木琴與靈巧的鋼琴成為主奏。相較於一夥人的通力激盪,Spirit If…傳遞的是更放鬆的聆聽基調。一如收尾曲When It Begins的眾人齊唱之聲,是巡迴途中隨意於挪威旅館錄下。少了急迫感,與友人愜意地共享音樂,創作,本該是一件自得其樂之事。
[音 樂]
謝謝你播的immanu el,我好喜歡
由 卡羅 發表於 December 20, 2007 7:10 PM
I saw BSS last month at Webster Hall. BBS is one of the most hilarious bands I'd ever seen. Kevin Drew is a funny guy and BBS's live is powerful. They said jokes, played games with audience, and improvised several songs. However, I was a little disappointed by Kevin Drew's voice. His voice is much boring than it is in the record. But, overall, it's still a great band, on my top list!!
由 Keroro 發表於 December 21, 2007 1:25 PM
to 卡羅,
Immanu El是瑞典團,一聽就很喜歡。
to Keroro,
I also saw BSS last year in Webster Hall.
And luckily enough, that's not BSS presents Kevin Drew tour; that was a real BSS full band tour.
There were 20 plus musicians on the stage. So fucking crazy...
That's the NO. 1 gig for my 2006.
由 pulp 發表於 December 21, 2007 6:54 PM