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2007-07-12, 11:07 PM
White Stripes – Icky Thump

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这张专辑之于white stripes就是hail to the thief之于radiohead. 在富有实验性的get behind me satan之后,icky thump在保留了前者元素的同时,又是对de stijl那种草根车库的回归。
由 dahoo 發表於 July 14, 2007 10:58 PM
耐聽性十足!! 有種越聽越上癮的感覺
但我英文不好... 不知專輯的歌詞再講甚麼
歌詞是在講故事嗎? 還是??
由 飲冰 發表於 July 15, 2007 8:47 AM
"这张专辑之于white stripes就是hail to the thief之于radiohead"
Oh noes! A Radiohead comparison!
Seriously though, there is definitely something I don't get about this band. Someone educate me!
由 Flawed 發表於 July 15, 2007 11:37 AM
to Flawed,
Before I saw their concert, I also don't quite "get" their music.
However, after that amazing night, their music starts to speak to me in some ways.
I think White Stripes is a unique band, especially their characteristics.
由 pulp 發表於 July 16, 2007 7:12 PM
White Stripes, with their solid understanding of root music and their punk attitude - a lethal combination, is one of the very few bright spots in rock today. As much as I enjoy Led Zep, Jack White's guitar playing blows Jimmy Page out of the water just based on the emotion he is able to conduct up and down the frets, IMO, let alone the inventive way he put his music elements together.
On the contrary, it is the radiohead I couldn't grasp their greatness :)
由 yando 發表於 July 17, 2007 1:38 AM
white stripes是個人相當喜愛的團
這張專輯滿好聽的 算是維持一貫水準
由 kygico 發表於 July 18, 2007 12:22 PM
從我朋友推薦我這些紅黑白專輯時,White Stripes在我的IPod裡沉浸了將近一年之久,我還沒做好準備去研究,但是當Jack White的那一聲轟炸Conquest爆破耳門時,我才知道一見鍾情是怎麼回事,面對他們你根本毫無招架之力。
而去年我也從亞馬遜購入Jack White的個人Blunderbuss,才華之於他或許只能當作成功的藉口,我認為那是他與生俱來的天份與魅力之一。
由 leon 發表於 August 28, 2013 11:10 PM