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2007-01-31, 5:36 PM
Jarvis Cocker is coming. But I leave.

[紐 約] 引用(0)
That's really devastating...!!
Hmm....maybe you can put this in another way, the unachievables are always the most beautiful(at least to me).
In this way, Cocker will be THE perfect hero forever.
You may wanna stop by Hong Kong for Muse's concert in March instead, hee. Cheers.
由 hoying 發表於 February 1, 2007 9:36 AM
yeah...that's really a pitty...
When I was in Indiana University - Bloomington, Bob Dylan came to perform as one of his campus tours, I didn't get the ticket. The next year, the auditorium was in renovation which no concert was held in whole year. Just after I left Inidiana, Bob Dylan came again....
由 Yiling 發表於 February 1, 2007 9:43 AM
hi mate...I could sense your losting feeling
why don't you just postpone your departure and go for Javis Cocker? otherwise regret could definitely huge!
grap the chance mate...life is too much to regret
hope you could make it!
由 William CHAN 發表於 February 1, 2007 11:08 AM
由 jackson Chen 發表於 February 1, 2007 6:50 PM
Life is unpredictable.
That's quite ture! You made your story a great title precisely.
You got so many but somehow still feel not good enough. Is it the only missing piece to complete your perfect life? You can't alway get what you want, can you? I'll appreciate what I already have and let go those unpredictable.
Again, life is unpredictable. There's always a "maybe" to surprise you, isn't it?
No offense, just personal opinions.
由 robin 發表於 February 1, 2007 10:48 PM
i heard what you said and i feel so sorry for you. are you leaving NYC for good? He will also be in Coachella CA at the end of this April with Jesus and Mary Chain, Arcade fire, and Sonic Youth...
Wish you won't miss this one.
由 ada 發表於 February 2, 2007 5:11 AM
I heard Fujiya & Miyaki 's not actually a duo and they're not japanese too, is that how it is?
Anyways, thanks for putting their music up there. I like it quite a lot.
由 Yu 發表於 February 2, 2007 3:43 PM
老大的id就是pulp,不能看Jarvis Cocker的演出实在是可惜啊~
由 nike_angus 發表於 February 2, 2007 7:33 PM
由 意義在哪裡? 發表於 February 3, 2007 4:15 PM
由 四叶已明 發表於 February 3, 2007 5:42 PM
由 Honey 發表於 February 3, 2007 10:18 PM
pulp 在美國讀書那麼久了 用英文寫文章不意外吧...
由 midlake 發表於 February 3, 2007 11:09 PM
我觉得英语在表达浓烈的情绪时候,比如抱怨啊,称赞啊,比起用中文,用得更舒服顺畅。中国人含蓄惯了,语言风格自然也被影响了,谁要是直接一句:我好懊丧啊!这场演出真是太牛了!似乎有失之简单而有被看轻之潜在可能,呵呵。但美语惯常的直接和夸张式的语风--像什么i've been walking for ages!(还没走到呢..)etc--用来发泄情绪是最有效的了!
由 sentimental kills 發表於 February 4, 2007 5:35 AM
就不用擔心被簡體網站抄襲? (又多嘴了。)
由 18 發表於 February 4, 2007 11:29 AM
由 third eye blind 發表於 February 5, 2007 3:51 AM
devastating indeed..... is there really no way you can reschedule your trip?
由 pua 發表於 February 6, 2007 3:59 AM
感覺還有好多事沒做, 好多團沒看
之前去曼城看Richard Ashcroft homecoming gig的計畫也沒能實現
上次在Notting Hill遇見Ian Brown時興奮無人能說
在紐約看不到 就來倫敦吧!!
總覺得要把青春期所有沒能完成的夢想實現 才可以安心地長大
由 tan210 發表於 February 9, 2007 11:50 PM
so... you're coming back to Taiwan? OK... Life's unpredictable.
I was just thinking that when I drop by New York this July, we can meet each other and have a cup of coffee or what.. but apparently, by that time you'll not be there... gee... why am I writing in English too?
由 cheerchou 發表於 February 13, 2007 10:37 PM
i envy u saw corgan, brown, ashcroft. i only saw elbow there.
由 stacy 發表於 February 16, 2007 2:48 PM
to tan210,
【總覺得要把青春期所有沒能完成的夢想實現 才可以安心地長大】
to cheerchou,
I just sent an e-mail to you. Please check it out.
Is it 7 or 8 years we didn't see each other since you graduated from NCCU?
Time really pasts fast.
由 pulp 發表於 March 2, 2007 7:40 AM
Pulp performed 'I spy'on BBC years ago.That's the first time when I heard Jarvis' voice...Well,maybe 10 years ago.
由 ivyvi 發表於 March 2, 2007 7:07 PM
Well, life is unpredicatable. Jarvis must have not predicted that his music would become so cliche.
I immidiately left the music store as soon as I tested Jarvis' new album. Just can't take the fact that the old idol is getting OLD!!!
由 PenguinA 發表於 March 6, 2007 10:50 AM
to PenguinA,
I think Jarvis' new album is okay. Not great of course, but okay.
In terms of his age and my low expectation, his new record is a decent outcome for me.
Though I didn't listen to it too many times...
由 pulp 發表於 March 7, 2007 7:45 AM
由 宋胖 發表於 May 3, 2007 3:36 AM