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2006-12-31, 4:34 PM
My Gigs of 2006
★★★★★ Unforgettable
1. "Broken Social Scene":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/007268.html @ Webster Hall 1/28

2. Mojave 3 @ Bowery Ballroom 10/21

3. "120 Days":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008542.html @ Mercury Lounge 10/25

4. Gomez @ Bowery Ballroom 10/7

5. "Sigur Ros":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/007057.html @ Theater of MSG 2/9

6. "Mogwai":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008246.html @ Avalon 3/6

7. Sufjan Stevens @ Town Hall 9/29

8. "Flaming Lips":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008395.html @ Webster Hall 3/31

9. "Lambchop":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008560.html @ Bowery Ballroom 9/21

10. "Richard Ashcroft":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/007380.html @ Webster Hall 3/29
★★★★ Impressive
11. "Yeah Yeah Yeahs":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/007620.html @ Roseland Ballroom 5/2
12. Cedar Walton Quartet @ Village Vanguard 12/22
13. My Morning Jacket @ Roseland Ballroom 11/30
14. "Islands":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008264.html @ Avalon 4/22
15. Flaming Lips @ Hammerstein Ballroom 9/24
16. "Belle & Sebastian":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008034.html @ Nokia Theatre 3/2
17. "The Big Sleep":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008293.html @ Mercury Lounge 3/11
18. "Espers":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008302.html @ Town Hall 3/17
19. "Editors":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/006944.html @ Rothko 1/21
20. "Kasabian":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008495.html @ Webster Hall 9/20
21. Pela @ Bowery Ballroom 10/7
22. "Mew":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008622.html @ Bowery Ballroom 11/3
23. "The Grates":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008658.html @ Bowery Ballroom 11/3
24. "The Diggs":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008321.html @ Rothko 3/21
25. TV On The Radio @ Irving Plaza 10/17
26. "Meredith Monk":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008606.html @ BAM 11/2
★★★ Decent
27. Damien Rice @ Beacon Theatre 12/12
28. "Jose Gonzalez":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008348.html @ Starbucks Salon 9/16
29. Grizzly Bear @ Bowery Ballroom 9/26
30. "Mew":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008495.html @ Webster Hall 9/20
31. "Placebo":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008875.html @ Nokia Theater 11/7
32. "Laurie Anderson":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008026.html @ Carnegie Hall 3/1
33. "New Pornographers":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008034.html @ Nokia Theatre 3/2
34. "Patti Smith":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/007046.html @ Miller Theatre 2/7
35. "Annuals":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008614.html @ Bowery Ballroom 11/3
36. "Stereolab":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008302.html @ Town Hall 3/17
37. "Plastic People of the Universe":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008812.html @ The Cutting Room 11/11
38. "Sufjan Stevens":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008026.html @ Carnegie Hall 3/1
39. Cat Power @ Lincoln Center 11/9
40. Lee Ranaldo @ Lincoln Center 11/9
41. David Ford @ Webster Hall 3/29
42. Amina @ Theater of MSG 2/9
43. "Antony":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008026.html @ Carnegie Hall 3/1
44. "Amusement Parks On Fire":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008321.html @ Rothko 3/21
45. "Growing":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008246.html @ Avalon 3/6
46. "Film School":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008293.html @ Mercury Lounge 3/11
47. Joan Osborne @ Lincoln Center 11/9
48. Grizzly Bear @ Irving Plaza 10/17
49. Ryan Adams @ Lincoln Center 11/9
50. The Roots @ Lincoln Center 11/9
51. Patti Smith @ Lincoln Center 11/9
52. Pink Mountaintops @ Webster Hall 3/31
53. "Hands Off Cuba":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008560.html @ Bowery Ballroom 9/21
54. "Carina Round":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008293.html @ Mercury Lounge 3/11
55. "Philip Glass":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008026.html @ Carnegie Hall 3/1
56. Bob Mould @ Lincoln Center 11/9
57. My Brightest Diamond @ Town Hall 9/29
58. "Michelle Shocked & Uncle Moon":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008817.html @ Joe's Pub 12/4
59. "Fields":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008622.html @ Bowery Ballroom 11/3
★★ Mediocre
60. "DJ Shadow":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008824.html @ Webster Hall 10/18
61. "Damien Rice":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008026.html @ Carnegie Hall 3/1
62. Allen Toussaint @ Lincoln Center 11/9
63. Maria Taylor @ Knitting Factory 3/22
64. "Kevin Devine":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008614.html @ Bowery Ballroom 11/3
65. Dirty On Purpose @ The Delancey 12/13
66. "Allen Toussaint":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008026.html @ Carnegie Hall 3/1
67. "Camera Obscura":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008354.html @ Knitting Factory 3/22
68. "Arab Strap":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008354.html @ Knitting Factory 4/8
69. "The Czars":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/007170.html @ The Delancey 2/20
70. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah @ Lincoln Center 11/9
71. Salt & Samovar @ Mercury Lounge 10/25
72. The Dirtbombs @ Roseland Ballroom 5/2
73. The White Rabbits @ Mercury Lounge 10/25
74. Dirty Projectors @ Bowery Ballroom 9/26
75. Tim O'Reagan @ Bowery Ballroom 10/21
76. "Cloud Room":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008293.html @ Mercury Lounge 3/11
77. "She Wants Revenge":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008875.html @ Nokia Theater 11/7
78. Deerhoof @ Hammerstein Ballroom 9/24
[年 鑑]
由 水果龍 發表於 January 3, 2007 10:47 PM
to 水果龍,
2006年一方面因為生病的緣故,某些已經買到票的例如Radiohead、Cat Power、Beirut與Neil Young皆只能忍痛轉讓;一方面許多心儀樂隊都已看過現場,為了省錢,就不再行前往。當然了,摯愛樂隊就另當別論。只要時間許可、票價合理,看多少次我都願意。
由 pulp 發表於 January 4, 2007 2:32 PM
Bojan Z是當代很受好評的中生代鋼琴家,出生於前南斯拉夫. 那場據說相當熱門,應該能吸引不少年青人,我們可能七點以前就要到那邊了. 鐵志會有興趣嗎? 可否幫我連絡?
由 dionysoslin 發表於 January 6, 2007 11:44 AM
由 regie 發表於 January 7, 2007 11:08 AM
to dionysoslin,
to regie,
由 pulp 發表於 January 7, 2007 2:35 PM
我把juicy mix加到blog囉
由 regie 發表於 January 8, 2007 7:01 PM
to regie,
其實,我用來錄影的數位相機(SONY W1)已算是自己"聽過"的相機裡音質很好的了。
由 pulp 發表於 January 10, 2007 2:31 AM
Brooklyn Jazz Underground
The Brooklyn Jazz Underground Launch Festival @ Smalls, January 11-14
Smalls is located at 183 West 10th Street, at 7th Avenue South
總之,這次很感謝你的熱情款待啦! 讓我行李滿滿的回家去! See Ya Soon!!
由 dionysoslin 發表於 January 15, 2007 12:25 PM
to dionysoslin,
你別客氣啊,當初你也是幫了我很多忙。那就台北見啦! :)
由 pulp 發表於 January 16, 2007 2:13 AM