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2007-01- 1, 3:45 PM
My Favorite Movies of 2006

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由 myhardcandy 發表於 January 1, 2007 10:41 PM
很喜欢Little Miss Sunshine,去年我的No.1!
由 Sandy 發表於 January 1, 2007 11:15 PM
to Sandy,
Little Miss Sunshine的DVD剛好在這幾天發行了,擺滿了紐約街頭的影音專賣店。
由 pulp 發表於 January 2, 2007 11:19 AM
I really enjoy "Thank you for smoking" this movie.
And I really don't get this movie "Borat". I couldn't even finish the movie. I only watched it for about 25 minutes.
由 arin 發表於 January 2, 2007 2:02 PM
其实我在1个月前就是通过搜索Little Miss Sunshine才发现的贵站!相见恨晚啊
<3 ur Blog!xox
由 Sandy 發表於 January 2, 2007 2:03 PM
to arin,
I agree with you.
I think Thank You for Smoking is such a smart and precise movie.
Most importantly, this movie doesn't want to be didactic.
It just lets the audience think by themselves, and judge by themselves.
As for Borat, I really enjoy some punch lines, though without a doubt it's one of the dumbest moives of the year. I think it could be my guilty pleasure of the year.
to Sandy,
由 pulp 發表於 January 2, 2007 2:16 PM
Love "Inside Man" and "U.S vs. John Lenon".
由 athena 發表於 January 3, 2007 3:01 AM
Just in case you are in southern California and would like to watch cute little miss sunshine...
It will be presented by Palm Springs International film Festival
Sunday, January 07, 10:00 AM Palm Canyon Theatre
由 ada 發表於 January 3, 2007 5:57 AM
As a Cambridge graduate, Ali G could be delivering some messages about the ignorance and good hearts of certain types of people you wouldn't normally expect... But it's so dumb and hilarious sometimes, that I think he's just really good at taking pisses out of anything. Check out Ali G Indahouse, too. High five!
由 Celes 發表於 January 4, 2007 1:08 AM
to Celes,
"As a Cambridge graduate"
I think you really have a legitimate position to write sentence like this, isn't you? Ha.
(Oops, or are you from Oxford? Sorry, I'm really not sure...)
由 pulp 發表於 January 4, 2007 2:25 PM
30分钟前刚刚由搜索Nada Surf发现这个网站,和Sandy有同样的感觉,真的是“相见恨晚”啊。
我尤其喜欢Little Miss Sunshine和Thank You for Smoking。这50部里还有很多是很想看却没机会的,希望能尽快补上。
由 Suzylee 發表於 January 5, 2007 7:33 PM
來握握手,Little Miss Sunshine也是我2006的第一名
David Lynch的新片你已經看了喔
由 ari 發表於 January 8, 2007 5:34 PM
to ari,
Children of Men和The Queen都在我想看仍未看的名單之內。
一直遲遲未看The Queen,一方面也因為不想在電影院內挑戰自己對於英式腔調的聽力了,哈。
由 pulp 發表於 January 10, 2007 2:36 AM
好想看 Brick,台灣不知道會不會上映,感覺有Elephant的感覺,
話說 pulp大哥,愛瘋狂你看了?
另外還有一部電影 冥王星早餐, 也很精采!
由 hommy 發表於 January 17, 2007 2:57 PM
to hommy,
有啊,C.R.A.Z.Y.和Breakfast on Pluto我都租DVD看了。
C.R.A.Z.Y.算是很不錯,尤其在教堂裡出神時配上我最喜歡的Rolling Stones歌曲Sympathy for the Devil那段,看的很過癮。可是Breakfast On Pluto對我起不了太大作用。也不是電影不夠好,也許那不是我中意的風格吧。
由 pulp 發表於 January 17, 2007 3:06 PM
哈 我想很多人都很期待等你分享 C.R.A.Z.Y的心得
Breakfast On Pluto倒是很多女生都很喜歡,灰暗的色調,還有那種詭譎的詼諧,倫敦在那種鏡頭下變成了似冥王星被遺忘的氣氛。
由 hommy 發表於 January 18, 2007 9:33 AM
u know what?
One of Oscar best actors nomination is Ryan Gosling in the film "Half Nelson".
And coincidentally the Chinese version of film title is 音速青春!!!
you've seen "CRAZY" already???I was also impressed by the song "sympathy for the devil".
As for the "Breakfast on Pluto",can't describe exactly why,but i'm really like this film.God damn gorgeous Cillian Murphy!!!He's even fabulous than real women.
由 Sherry 發表於 January 24, 2007 11:24 AM
to Sherry,
Yes, this morning I just saw this year's Oscar nominee list, and to be honest, it kind of impresses me in a so-called "indie friendly" way. I really don't expect that Ryan Gosling will be nominated for Half Nelson. I think he is good in that movie, but not great, and I don't think he has any chance to win it. But I still feel happy for him; especially he can be recognized by a wilder range of audience via the national broadcasting of the event.
The other satisfying thing for me is that Jack Nicholson doesn't get his nomination by that crappy movie (of course what I mean is The Departed, the worst movie of the year).
I know what they transfer Half Nelson in its Chinese title. It really scares me and makes me laugh at the same time. I just don’t know what’s the connection between the theme of that movie and that Chinese title. The only thing I can assume is the translator (whether it is a journalist or a staff who works in some movie distribution company) who does read my blog and read my review about that movie. I hope this assumption doesn’t sound too arrogant, but I’m afraid it’s true. Ha.
I just don’t get Breakfast on Pluto at all. It kind of bored me in the middle of the story. But every woman I know likes this movie to death. That's it.
由 pulp 發表於 January 24, 2007 5:44 PM
haha.Actually,User rating of "The departed" on IMDB is unbelievably high at Top 78,it's even better than "Millian Dollar Baby"...^^!I havent seen "the departed",but I wonder how you feel that bad of this film just like how I feel about "Babel".....><)
由 Sherry 發表於 January 24, 2007 8:32 PM
I just wanna say:
Most inspiring thing about Oscar namination for me is all the naminated ones of "Little Miss Sunshine"!!!I'm delirious with great joy and hope they can grasp the Oscar honors,though they've got a tough battle to fight.cant wait to see the ceremony.
B.T.W. cant wait for your review for "C.R.A.Z.Y.",too
(what?no preparation to reviewing "C.R.A.Z.Y."......><)
Besides,what you consider of the "Half Nelon"thing maybe is magically true!!!^^(surely I meant the "watch the blg thing"...)
由 Sherry 發表於 January 25, 2007 9:42 AM
to Sherry,
I really don't know. I think it may because your comments are too long, or maybe there is just a ghost in my comment system. But I do get your point.
由 pulp 發表於 January 25, 2007 10:05 AM
have you seen a movie called northfork?
seeing your sets of favorite are so similar to mine
i think you might enjoy this one too
由 i am not you 發表於 February 19, 2007 1:28 AM
to i am not you,
I haven't seen Northfork yet. I will check it out.
Thanks for inform me about that.
由 pulp 發表於 March 2, 2007 9:04 AM