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2006-12-10, 7:00 AM
Arcade Fire - Intervention

They are back.
"Arcade Fire - Intervention(MP3)":http://youaintnopicasso.com/mp3/Arcade%20Fire%20-%20Intervention.mp3
To be honest, I was kind of scary and hesitant before I played this song in my iTunes. My expectation for them is just way too high, which I think is quite impossible for them to achieve, even though I know they're currently the best band in the world. But when I listened to this new track just the second time, though the quality is so crappy, it still brought me to tears almost instantly and spontaneously.
This is just a classic Arcade Fire signature sound: the stately organ, the excellent song arrangement and Win Butler’s emotional voice. The drumbeats are punching with those heavy but extremely beautiful orchestra and guitar pick-ups, and Régine Chassagne’s harmonies finally comes in when the climax is progressing to finish. What can I say? This is a band can do no wrong. If every track on their new album has this level of merits, it will be a fucking unbelievable masterwork.
When I listened to this song, all the memories were coming back. I remember that overcast September day when the first time I heard Wake Up in my Brooklyn's apartment. I remember that snowing December day when I went out to Mercury Lounge to grab the final two tickets of their concert. And I was literally crying when I saw them in "Webster Hall":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/004759.html and "Tokyo":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005987.html within six months. Those never-ending subway rides which I listend to Funeral over and over again. Finally, the tedious and excruciating waiting is closed to the end. Be prepared for lots of Arcade Fire related posts in this blog for next one year.
If there is a reason for us to live in this shitty world. This kind of music is the reason.
Related Articles:
"Arcade Fire Feb.01":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/004759.html
"Summer Sonic 2005, Day1 - Arcade Fire":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005987.html
"U2 + Arcade Fire = Joy Division":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/006597.html
Wake Up @ Summer Sonic
Wake Up @ Webster Hall
Headlights Look Like Diamonds @ Webster Hall
[音 樂]
下載一聽覺得好耳熟,一找發現有一張 Arcade Fire 的 2004-12-06 Modified Arts Live Bootleg,裡面就有表演這首歌,不過新版本樂器編排有些不同。
這種冷天氣就是要聽 Arcade Fire 上個火暖暖身。
由 Van 發表於 December 16, 2006 10:26 AM
由 kathyhead 發表於 December 16, 2006 5:24 PM
nice picture.
由 iron 發表於 December 19, 2006 8:06 AM
我在搜尋音樂家的時候, 無意找到你的blog, 很喜歡你有很多的資訊:) 我以後會常來看看, 就當多一個朋友吧
由 vanessa 發表於 December 20, 2006 9:51 AM