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2006-04- 1, 5:15 AM
Richard Ashcroft(The Verve) Mar.29

[現 場] 引用(1)
文摘: 上週日坐了一小時的火車到長島去看Coldplay,這是期待很久的演唱會,尤其開場的是The Verve主唱Richard Ashcroft。\r\n\r\n\r\n這個組合的緣起應該是他們在Live 8的合作,相信那是live 8最讓人感動的演出
引用時間: 2006.04. 3
好幸福喔 Bittersweet Symphony耶..~>_<~
我也要來找票! (your blog is like my concert gigs guide)
Drugs dont work is also my favorite song in urban hymns
由 Natacha 發表於 April 1, 2006 12:56 PM
看著Bittersweet Symphony的Vedio,我先是興奮地起雞皮疙瘩,接著熱淚盈眶,落下淚來!
正如pulp所說的,聽到「一首我從沒想過這輩子能親身經歷的曲目」,除了感嘆The Verve為何要在他們生涯的高峰解散,另外就是恨自己為何不是在現場!
由 吃酸梅變超人 發表於 April 1, 2006 4:16 PM
Bittersweet Symphony is the revelation that tell me music is the power, and saves me when I'm low
由 greg 發表於 April 1, 2006 4:26 PM
由 Gronkjaer 發表於 April 1, 2006 7:47 PM
由 吃酸梅變超人 發表於 April 1, 2006 8:25 PM
由 无敌理论 發表於 April 1, 2006 8:30 PM
由 晓 發表於 April 2, 2006 12:37 AM
由 iron 發表於 April 2, 2006 2:14 AM
即便不在現場,光是影片裡的Sonnet和Bittersweet Symphony就足夠讓我頭皮發麻
由 williamshyu 發表於 April 2, 2006 1:11 PM
剛剛聽了Bittersweet Symphony
前奏的時候 感覺在哪聽過
原來是MC Hotdog的安可
由 Bibby 發表於 April 2, 2006 7:52 PM
甚至還有看他們現場演唱的機會。 =3= 妄想阿~
由 suede瘋狂粉絲 發表於 April 2, 2006 10:35 PM
竟然親耳聽到Richard Ashcroft唱Bittersweet Symphony
之前看live 8
裡面有cold play主唱chris伴奏Richard Ashcroft唱Bittersweet Symphony
那一次我真是哭得亂七八糟 感動到不行耶
由 阿joe 發表於 April 3, 2006 4:05 AM
高中時朋友借我一片 Urban Hymns 那是第一次接觸 the Verve
第一首 Bittersweet Symphony 傳來 我就雞皮疙瘩掉不完了
到現在8、9年多了 CD 都沒還他 :Q
由 Van 發表於 April 3, 2006 5:34 AM
CD可以還我嗎?至少把 Sonnet rip給我 :p
由 S.T. 發表於 April 3, 2006 9:41 AM
由 西莎 發表於 April 3, 2006 2:02 PM
(第一點是我瞎掰的,大家也都知道Richard和Chris Martin惺惺相惜的啦)
由 pulp 發表於 April 4, 2006 5:44 AM
很多年前就聽過了Bittersweet Symphony, 但一直到前兩年, 才聽了專輯,urban humns, 我竟錯過了那麼多年!!
由 hagi 發表於 April 4, 2006 10:32 PM
Richard是暖場, 也有些敷衍的感覺,
由 ili 發表於 April 11, 2006 2:23 AM
我真的好希望能有機會看到The verve的現場演出啊...T______T
由 Arctica 發表於 April 12, 2006 7:48 PM
Hi Dude!
I like reading your article about The Verve and Richard Ashcroft and would like share some views!
I personally saw The Verve in 1997 Reading Festival, England. Lucky enough right!
Till now I just cannot forget the moment that Richar was singing 'Drugs don't work', 'History', 'On your own' and sure, 'Bitter sweet...' the atmosphere, the interactive of the audiences, the smell of the hemp during the gig....so brilliant!
Could you just imagine that every beat every guitar chords that really touched my nerve and right into my core! Oh! everything just like yesterday!
Their music is still the most frequent stuff that I played so far! In fact, they're part of my life like many others such as 'Suede', 'The Mission' To be exact! The effect/impact of The Verve's stuff is gorgeous if they are played through the vacumm tube amplifier!
Hope the legent be immortal and ........be continued!
Cheers mate! Keep it up your works!
Will (Hong Kong)
由 William CHAN 發表於 April 18, 2006 2:52 PM
哦 买狗!!!!!!THE VERVE的现场,虽然少了NICK的吉他。
由 生锈的钉子 發表於 April 19, 2006 1:24 PM
to William,
Thanx for your sharing. I can totally understand how those nights impress your memories.
I saw Blur and Chemical Brothers in Reading Festival 1999. That was one of the best time in my life.
I think sometimes some certain kind of music gradually became soundtrack of our lives, and we didn't even notice that happening in the first place.
由 pulp 發表於 April 20, 2006 6:17 PM
To Pulp,
You're right mate!
Sometimes we don't need a reason why those music would gradually became soundtrack of our lives.....could be simply just our basic instinct!
Sense, nerve.....heart & soul!
Cheers mate.
a)I personally like Brit-tones since 80' and some good alternative from the State too. 'Sonic Youth' is one of them & I saw them here in HK early 1996. You bloke are more lucky as U're so freguent to the great gig! Unlike here, full of craps at the so-called concrete jungle.
b) rarely found your stuff about Gothic, not your preference? sometimes I found they wrote good lyrics too. One time I wrote the lyrics of 'buttefly on the wheel' of The Mission to 2 Australian girls at a Greek island called Naxos.....they're so shocke dabout it...
由 William CHAN 發表於 April 21, 2006 4:29 PM
Just found out that I've made so many typo error.....sorry mate!
由 William CHAN 發表於 April 24, 2006 4:33 PM
to William,
Ha, you are right. I'm not a big Gothic fan.
But please believe me that I've really gave it a hard try. However, it just couldn't hit me.
What a pity.
由 pulp 發表於 April 29, 2006 4:16 PM
由 你莫嚣 發表於 May 1, 2006 8:19 PM
To Pulp,
Never mind mate! That means the feeling, sense tell it all! And also the age, life experience.......
In fact, we could not be forced to accept those...if there is noting could make us touched and moved...
由 William CHAN 發表於 May 2, 2006 4:29 PM
刚才看了Bittersweet Symphony的视频,的确令我很有感触啊!
一直觉得the verve在他们最颠峰的时候解散是一件很可惜的事~
由 nike_angus 發表於 May 4, 2006 8:08 PM
由 pulp 發表於 May 8, 2006 3:37 PM
It was pitty they split at their peak moment but at least they left something brilliant to their loyal fans, before their stuff getting crap that would be worse of all
由 William CHAN 發表於 May 11, 2006 1:13 PM
然而到最后还是很失落,我脑子里全是去年的Live 8慈善演唱会的伦敦海德公园主场,当时在电视上看现场,Richard Ashcroft一出来我简直疯了,我简直没想到他来了,他就是The Verve乐队的主唱,The drugs don’t work 和 Bittersweet symphony 的演唱者,R-I-C-H-A-R-D A-S-H-C-R-O-F-T, 没错,就是他,就是The Verve的他,如果他来midi音乐节唱上两嗓子,我可以啃着干馒头过日子,可惜这不可能了。The Verve 1999年就解散了。在我们中国人懂得开始欣赏点音乐的时候,他们已经不存在了。这足可以应了那句话,悲伤的结局是完美最好的注脚。知道为什么吗?当年The Verve开演唱会的时候,大名鼎鼎的绿洲乐队(Oasis)也只能是他们的Backup---绿洲乐队只能在同是来自曼彻斯特的The Verve到场开唱之前,先给观众唱上两首歌解解闷儿。
大部分中国人听过的是那首Bittersweet symphony,确实是经典中的经典。然而当年真正把英国人唱哭了的,是那首The Drugs don’t Work. 据说1997年这首歌发行那年,许多英国年轻人感情不能自控,他们明明过得不错可忽然陷进旧日的时光里拔不出来了。他们找回了那段最激烈的爱恋,在忘却很多年后,忽然又开始感觉那段涅磐之前的痛苦,老了锈了很多年的肾上腺素又重新开始刺激身体,他们忽然开始觉悟,原来“忘却”是上帝伪造的一个词,原来我真正爱过的女孩,是那个最不完美,问题最多,最“格格不入”的女孩。英国的女孩子们或许哭得更惨,当年的那个敏感的女孩可能已经蜕变了,对当年的那场离别,来自各自的生命的脆弱的那一场,她以为他是冷酷的离去了,她以为他,是个坚强的男子,伤痛来得轻,快乐来得容易,爱上更优秀更美丽的女孩,从此过着好日子。。。然而当她们一听到The Drugs don’t Work, 真是溃不成军了。
料想这首歌成功的原因,也许是因为英国人独特晦涩的忧郁性格,他们的忧郁是沉淀在历史里的,并不一定显现在生活的每时每刻。然而这首歌不久之后在美国和其他西方国家也开始盛行,但是它一直没有大规模的进入中国。恐怕那时候也进不来,因为中国人当时并没有相同的真实自由的生活体验,没有生活,再好的音乐也不会有共鸣。这首歌在英国的音乐排行榜上整整两年没有下来过,连同Bittersweet symphony在一起的那张专辑Urban Hymns卖了上千万张(有这两首歌在同一专辑里,我不信你还不买)。当时的著名制作人Chis Potter在录制The Drugs don’t work的时候,曾动情地说,Richard Ashcroft在这首歌里的嗓音,“是我听过的最不可思议的嗓音。”
那还是在去年的北京,听人讲起他离开旧金山时的疼痛难忍。他是英国人,在旧金山的日子爱上一位艺术家,她美丽,敏感,才华横溢,但是她问题更多,她过着嬉皮士一样的生活,她吸毒,他劝她不要吸,她受不了向她扔盘子扔碗扔刀子。“我这样爱她,但是Jenny,我不能跟一个drug addict过一辈子。”之后是良久的沉默。我去看过那个女子的网站,google上到处都是她的名字,不知道怎么回事,我觉得她的每幅画,每款设计的首饰,每张表演的照片都在倾诉。我不敢继续看下去,再看下去感觉像是在看自己,虽然我不是drug addict, 但是我跟这类人天然相通,我不吸毒,可是我的问题可能比她还多。那时候我已经很久没听那张专辑,忽然因为他的故事我想起来这首歌,拿出来听,听到But I know I'm on a losing streak 那段,我简直开始忍不住朝他大喊大叫:“你这混蛋,你当时为什么离开旧金山,你为什么离开她,为什么为什么。。。”Richard 的嗓子和McCabe的吉他伴奏替人诉说无处可寻根源的伤痛,让人感觉痛不欲生又欣喜若狂。若是你真的爱过,听这歌的时候,你能摸到过去的自己的皮肤,触到你的恋人,在短短的五分钟里,重新爱一次那个人。
值得一提的是,当年的专辑封面是在Manchester platt field park的草地上(不知道拼写有没有错误)拍摄的。当年在英国我也曾经跟他们那个姿势一样在同一片草地上坐着,哈哈,干什么我忘了,反正那是曾经的生活。现在离那里十万八千里,记忆和那首单曲和了糨糊,真假难辨。
由 Cong 發表於 May 24, 2006 4:01 PM
To Cong!
It's such brilliant feeling that you shared! I'm so f**king moved!
This song just like the bomb tearing you apart! Cheers & keep it up!
由 William CHAN 發表於 May 26, 2006 1:08 PM
To all who loves 'drugs don't work':
On the contrary, it does work sometime when your feeling is in between heaven and hell, at the interface of high and low....
There is no harm to touch only a little bit then make yourself adrift with all the feelings, immersing in the music like the 'drugs don't work' that could definitely touch your nerve....that's gorgeous.
Hong Kong (originally from Xiamen, Fujian province...PRC..just opposite to Taiwan)
由 William CHAN 發表於 May 27, 2006 12:49 AM
to Cong,
謝謝你的留言。這是此部落格兩千三百多個留言裡最動人的其中一則。 :)
to William,
Drugs don't work is always a gorgeous song. Always.
由 pulp 發表於 May 30, 2006 12:55 PM
To all who loves 'The Verve':
I'd like to say that 'One day' is also a gorgeous song at "Urban Hymn"
It gives hope and power to those so in love and aparted!
Feeling like you see the light at the end of the dark tunnel of time and expectation!
William from HK
由 William CHAN 發表於 June 1, 2006 12:00 AM
To William:
Thanks for your messages. I just couldn't help to write it out.
To Pulp:
I enjoy the website. Thanks for sharing so much great stuff with people all over the world. I appreciate what you are doing now.
由 Cong 發表於 June 1, 2006 6:35 PM
To all,
There is an unknown power of music that could bond/link people together from different corners of the globe. There is no boundary in it!
Great to share the views and read those good stuffs from you guys!
Irionically, it's so difficult to find the people in common locally...here in HK.........shite.
由 William CHAN 發表於 June 4, 2006 4:37 PM
'History'的歌词也是抄WILLIAM BLAKE 的厄.
由 MissUCL 發表於 June 13, 2006 7:19 AM
又是我這兩年內於上月在CD堆中找出來之bedtimes favourite.
雖然後期有很多金曲,但令我更懷念我認為The Verve 的主題曲---
"Gravity Grave"
由 Spump 發表於 September 29, 2006 12:30 AM
oh my god! thank u all!
由 tang 發表於 November 11, 2006 12:36 PM
昨晚在倫敦聽了Richard Ashcroft的演唱會
Sonnet,the drugs dont work, bittersweet symphony...
由 vivienne 發表於 December 6, 2006 8:50 AM
沒人覺得他實在像透John Lennon了???? 我第一次看到的時候有點嚇到
由 klonoa921 發表於 October 24, 2007 11:36 AM
而且很巧 ~ 我剛剛正在聽The Verve的Sonnet!!
由 Tammy 發表於 January 8, 2008 11:45 PM
I'm touched by your article...The Verve RULES..!!!
由 ruya 發表於 September 18, 2008 5:34 PM
正愁身旁沒人與我分享The Verve時
我現在極度渴望看The Verve的現場演唱阿...
由 莎拉 發表於 June 22, 2009 10:51 PM
你的文筆太棒了..! 聽著the verve的歌, 邊看著你寫的文字...竟然也跟著感動不已.. 如果在現場一定更能體會到你說的意境吧! 請繼續加油寫這樣的好文!
由 Camille 發表於 November 7, 2009 6:27 AM
由 潘貓 發表於 April 7, 2011 3:12 PM