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2006-01- 1, 4:44 PM
2005 Nov & Dec CD & DVD List

1. Sufjan Stevens - A Sun Came $11 2. Boards of Canada - Campfire Headphase $13 3. Animal Collective - Feels $13 4. John Cale - Black Acetate $13 5. Bruce Springsteen - Born to Run: 30th Anniversary [1CD & 2DVD] $27 6. Wilco - Kicking Television: Live In Chicago [2CD Bonus T-Shirt] $21.66 7. Paul Weller - As Is Now [CD & DVD Deluxe Edition] $19 8. Various Artists - Blue Skied An' Clear: A Morr Music Tribute To Slowdive [2CD] $13.5 9. Various Artists - Give. Listen. Help. Hurricane Relief [2CD] $15 10. Delia Gonzalez & Gavin Russom - The Days of Mars $13 11. Madonna - Confessions On a Dance Floor $10.99 12. Weezer - Weezer [2CD Deluxe Edition] $19.66 13. Cream - Disraeli Gears [2CD Deluxe Edition] $19.66 14. The Who - Who's Next [2CD Deluxe Edition] $19.66 15. Allman Brothers Band - At Fillmore East [2CD Deluxe Edition] $19.66 16. Easy Rider - O.S.T. [2CD Deluxe Edition] $21.66 17. Bob Dylan - Oh Mercy [SACD] $10.78 18. Kent - Du & Jag Doden 19. Kent - B-Sidor 95-00 20. Ryan Adams - 29 21. Explosions in the Sky - The Rescue $10 22. Patti Smith - Horses [2CD Legacy Edition] $27 23. Brian Eno - Apollo [Digipack Remastered] $11.9這兩個月CD買得不多,只有二十三張。一方面個人的購買傾向已偏重LP體系,另一方面由於年底常是唱片出版的淡季,令我感興趣的發行物多於年中問世,近兩個月的誘人之物並不多見。 Boards of Canada、Animal Collective、John Cale與Paul Weller的新唱片皆為水準之作。Campfire Headphase後半部稍嫌太過Chill Out,無法維持專輯初期的精彩張力;Feels則毋庸置疑為年度專輯之一,是05年的必聽碟。John Cale與Paul Weller這兩名樂界老將,也都持續創作出令人滿意的作品。Madonna的新碟是我心目中的年度跳舞專輯;Wilco的Kicking Television則是年度最佳現場專輯。Ryan Adams今年的第三張專輯29,野心上不若Cold Roses,整體氛圍的營造上不若Jacksonville City Nights,卻是最對我味的一張。 Born to Run與Horses的三十週年重發盤都是唱片架上必須擁有的作品。兩者同時採用了高規格的重發對待。不論Born to Run的精彩雙DVD,或是Horses的完整現場收錄,都是誠意十足的企劃。Explosions in the Sky的The Rescue是我年底欣賞他們演出時於現場購買的產品,巡迴限定,市面難尋。這是整個十二月我聆聽最多遍的一張唱片,沈靜飄緩的簡潔音場,是陪伴失眠之夜的最佳伴侶。 Blue Skied An' Clear是電子名廠Morr發行,向Slowdive致敬的雙專輯,曲曲動聽,是Shoegazer樂迷的進階收藏。"Give. Listen. Help. Hurricane Relief":http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/jump.jsp?itemID=11066&itemType=PRODUCT則是Filter雜誌與Urban Outfitter服飾店共同推出的援助海嘯之義唱專輯,一線另類藝人幾乎全數到齊,收錄曲目多為未發表的珍稀選粹,紀念價值十足。 另外值得一提的是我在Tower利用超級便宜的特價,大量殺入了環球發行的Deluxe Edition系列。包括Weezer、Cream、The Who、Allman Brothers與Easy Rider原聲帶,入手價格應是全球最低,相當划算。 LP
1. Arcade Fire - Funeral [LP] $12.5 2. Arcade Fire - Wake Up [7" LP Limited Edition] $8.65 3. Dirty Three - Cinder [2LP] $12.5 4. Dirty Three - Horse Stories [2LP] $13 5. Sonic Youth - Slaapkamers Met Slagroom [LP] $9.5 6. Sonic Youth & Jim O'Rourke - Invito Al Cielo [LP] $9.5 7. Sonic Youth - Sonic Nurse [2LP] $13.5 8. Sonic Youth - Anagrama [LP] $10.98 9. Neutral Milk Hotel - In The Aeroplane Over The Sea [LP] $11 10. Half-Handed Cloud - What is the Remedy [7" LP] $6 11. Godspeed You Black Emperor! - F# A# (Infinity) [LP] $12.5 12. John Lennon - Imagine [LP] $8 13. John Lennon - Rock'n'Roll [LP] $3.23 14. Bob Dylan - The Times They Are A-Changin' [LP] $7 15. Derek and the Dominos - Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs [2LP] $10 16. Rolling Stones - Exile on the Main Street [2LP] $10 17. Neu! - Neu! [LP] $11 18. Beatles - White Album [2LP] $10 19. Wilco - A Ghost Is Born [2LP] $16 20. Jeff Buckley - Grace [LP bonus 7"] $10 21. Patti Smith - Trampin' [2LP] $12 22. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Nocturama [2LP] $13 23. Pink Floyd - The Wall [2LP] $10 24. Clash - London Calling [2LP] $19 25. Clash - Clash [LP] $9.75 26. The Walkmen/Calla - Split [LP] $6 27. R.E.M. - Automatic for the People [LP] $11.9 28. Jeff Beck - Blow By Blow [LP] $16.25 29. Sufjan Stevens - Seven Swans [LP] $10 30. Sufjan Stevens - Michigan [2LP] $11 31. Sufjan Stevens - Illinois [2LP] $14.5 32. Jim O'Rourke - Insignificance [LP] $11 33. Jim O'Rourke - Eureka [LP] $11 34. Animal Collective - Here Comes the Indian [LP] $9 35. Animal Collective - Feels [2LP] $12.18 36. Sigur Ros - Ba Ba Ti Ki Di Do [LP] $7.5 37. Sigur Ros - Hoppipolla [LP Bonus Poster] $12 38. Antony and the Johnsons - I Am a Bird Now [LP] $10 39. Nirvana - Bleach [LP] $8.1 40. Bonnie "Prince" Billy - Summer In The Southeast [2LP] $13 41. Bonnie "Prince" Billy - I See A Darkness [LP] $8.93 42. Calla - Collisions [LP] $8.1 43. Devendra Banhart - Heard Somebody Say [7"LP Limited Edition] $3.25 44. New Order - Substance [2LP] $13 45. New Order - Here to Stay [LP] $3.24 46. My Bloody Valentine - Isn't Anything [LP] $18 47. Mono/Pelican - Split [LP] $12 48. Tindersticks - My Oblivion [LP] $4.33 49. Mojave 3 - Spoon & Rafter [LP] $5.4 50. The Delgados - Hate [LP] $4.33 51. Iron & Wine + Calexico - In the Reins [LP] $10 52. Flaming Lips - Hear It Is [LP Only Reissue] $15.16 53. Flaming Lips - Oh My Gawd!!!... [LP Only Reissue] $15.16 54. Explosions in the Sky - Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die, Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Live Forever [LP] $10 55. Explosions in the Sky - The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead Place [LP] $10 56. Mogwai - Rock Action [LP] $8.66 57. Talking Heads - More Songs About Buildings and Food [LP] $8.66 58. Velvet Underground - Velvet Underground [LP] $9.74 59. Velvet Underground - Le Bataclan '72 [2LP] $26這五十九張LP除了部份來自十一月初舉辦的"黑膠市集":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/006454.html,其餘多半來自網路與實體唱片行。尤其十一月中Kim’s Video展開了瘋狂的全店八折年度特賣,讓我大量失血。諸如兩張Explosions in the Sky、三張Sufjan Stevens、兩張Jim O'Rourke與兩張Animal Collective都是已有CD的作品,其他如Arcade Fire、Mogwai、Sonic Youth、Clash、Mojave 3、Antony and the Johnsons、Calla、Godspeed You Black Emperor!等,等等等…,也都是早已擁有的專輯,但看到LP還是忍不住下手,實在該找個機會出售重複品項了。 Mono與Pelican合出的唱片Split早已絕版,我在Insound網站幸運購入。而兩張Flaming Lips的早期專輯則是黑膠限定的重發版本,CD格式絕跡多時。一為透明膠片、一為藍色膠片,極有設計感。 本來回國之前,我還擔心過去半年買了太多LP。但這幾天逛過誠品音樂之後,只有一個感想:【我得趁著還在美國的時候,在能力範圍之內努力地收購黑膠唱片】。原因很簡單,誠音的LP標價,是紐約的整整兩倍,甚至更多。拿Clash的同名專輯來說,我在Kim’s Video入手,折合台幣是三百三十元左右,誠音要價六百多。Wilco的A Ghost Is Born,折合台幣五百多,誠音售價超過一千。其他也都是一樣的情況。 如果我今天是一名大學生,根本不可能有能力去購買動輒七八百的LP。所以短期之內(或是長期看來),黑膠在台灣依舊是中年上班族的專利。要打開青年族群的市場,假如無法壓低售價,將它降至合理的、與國際接軌的範圍,根本是天方夜譚。但話說回來,目前的進口CD,台灣的售價也是不可思議的高檔,平均都要五六百元,讓我看得目瞪口呆。 DVD
1. Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter $28.3 2. Pulp Fiction [Collector's Edition] $14 3. New Order - A Collection & New Order Story [2DVD Special Edition] $19.22 4. Last Days $21.84 5. U2- Vertigo 2005/Live From Chicago [Deluxe Edition] $20.99 6. Radiohead - The Astoria London Live $16.09Gimme Shelter與Pulp Fiction都是早想珍藏的經典電影。Last Days則是05年的樂迷必敗品項之一。U2的現場實況讓我重溫舊夢,而Radiohead的The Astoria London Live,曾於數年前欣賞過錄影帶版本。如今DVD重發,雖然沒有添加任何Bonus Material,但仍是重拾Radiohead往日爆裂吉他時期的極好參考物。 Book
1. I Hope You Are All Happy Now $13.57 2. Belle and Sebastian: Just a Modern Rock Story $11.53 3. The Bob Dylan Scrapbook 1956-1966 $29.70 4. John Lennon: The New York Years $19.77 5. Stairway to Heaven: The Final Resting Places of Rock's Legends $12.89 6. CBGB & OMFUG: Thirty Years From the Home of Underground Rock $16.47 7. The Downtown Book: The New York Art Scene 1974-1984 $19.77這七本書我都很喜歡,寒假過後會一一介紹。 Related Articles: "2005 Sep & Oct CD & DVD List":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/006435.html "2005 Jul & Aug CD & DVD List":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/006082.html "2005 May & Jun CD & DVD List":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005644.html "2005 Mar & Apr CD & DVD List":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005315.html "2005 Jan & Feb CD & DVD List":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/004934.html
[戀 物] 引用(0)
現在躺在我家的LP雖然不少,但因為俗事庸擾而很難靜下心來聆聽. LP這玩意兒,除了本身經濟狀況要能負荷地起以外,對我來說更需要心境,或者處於一種自在的餘裕時才能去享受音樂. 況且,目前我的器材是那種三角貓的entry-level產品,要進階升級後才更有辦法領略類比聲音之美. 所以,我盡可能地買LP軟體,努力賺錢編列預算,期望著在可預見的未來能擁有可接受的設備,再來真正專心聽LP.
上禮拜吃火鍋時跟你提到位於Pittsburgh的終極黑膠城堡名字叫Jerry's Record,印象中位於離市中心不遠的地方(Squirrel Hill?),跟一間超大倉庫沒兩樣,可以花一整個禮拜的時間去逛.
由 dionysoslin 發表於 January 2, 2006 5:59 PM
看到版大文中提到Explosions in the Sky的The Rescue忍不住留了個言給您
小弟是Temporary Residence Limited這個廠牌的忠實粉絲
這次他們所發的TRAVELS IN CONSTANTS系列、參與樂團的陣容實在夠相當吸引人的
可惜沒在市面上發行,真羨慕PULP大能購得The Rescue,要是也能擁有一張的話,不知該有多幸福,哈
由 masayume 發表於 January 3, 2006 1:30 PM
to dionysoslin,
to masayume,
我也陸續收藏了不少Temporary Residence Limited的LP,價錢經濟實惠,似乎該將CD脫手了。
不過許多早期的發行都已經絕版了(指黑膠),例如Mono/Pelican - Split這張,
Temporary Residence Limited的官網上已經寫Sold Out,好險Insound倉庫裡還有。
The Rescue確實相當好聽,可以讓我們看見另一面的EITS。
由 pulp 發表於 January 5, 2006 12:24 AM
但是都沒看到哪裡有在賣Wilco Live 2CD+bonus T-shirt
敢問版大 您到底是在哪裡看到這個good deal的呢?
由 indigogolee 發表於 January 6, 2006 6:03 AM
to indigogolee,
這是在紐約的Virgin Megastore推出的活動。
台灣應該就沒有了。 :p
由 pulp 發表於 January 8, 2006 12:16 PM
無意中晃進來, 粗淺的加了一下, 光那59張LP就快600美金了耶!!! 令人好奇您到目前為止究竟收藏了幾千張黑膠? 以後全部都要運回台灣嗎? (可觀的運費!) 尤其想知道您用什麼樣的唱盤??
由 哪裡 發表於 January 19, 2007 9:44 PM
to 哪裡,
我的唱盤是Stanton STR8-80,曾寫過簡單的心得介紹:
由 pulp 發表於 January 22, 2007 7:26 AM