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2005-07- 4, 3:07 AM
100 Greatest Albums from 1985 to 2005 by Spin

100. Strokes - Is This It 99. Afghan Whigs - Gentlemen *98. Cornershop - When I Was Born For The 7th Time 97. Neutral Milk Hotel - In The Aeroplane Over The Sea 96. The Pogues - Rum Sodomy & The Lash 95. Elastica - s/t 94. Slint - Spiderland 93. Pearl Jam - Ten 92. Big Black - Atomizer 91. XTC - Skylarking 90. Sonic Youth - Sister *89. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Fever To Tell 88. Stereolab - Emperor Tomato Ketchup87. Blur - Parklife 86. Meat Puppets - Up On The Sun 85. REM - Automatic For The People 84. Soundgarden - Superunknown *83. At The Drive-In - Relationship Of Command 82. Jeff Buckley - Grace 81. Beck - Mellow Gold 80. D'Angelo - Voodoo 79. Moby - Everything Is Wrong 78. The Stone Roses - s/t 77. Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot 76. Belle & Sebastian - If You're Feeling Sinister *75. Le Tigre - s/t 74. Portishead - Dummy 73. Pulp - Different Class 72. Raekwon - Only Built 4 Cuban Linx 71. The Jesus & Mary Chain - Psychocandy 70. Jay-Z - The Blueprint 69. DJ Shadow - Entroducing... 68. Tricky - Maxinquaye 67. Slayer - Reign In Blood 66. Outkast - Aquemini *65. Basement Jaxx - Remedy 64. Eminem - The Marshall Mathers LP 63. Pavement - Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain 62. Missy Elliott - Supa Dupa Fly 61. Weezer - Pinkerton 60. De La Soul - De La Soul Is Dead 59. Modest Mouse - The Lonesome Crowded West 58. Metallica - Master Of Puppets 57. The White Stripes - White Blood Cells 56. PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love 55. The Chemical Brothers - Dig Your Own Hole 54. The Breeders - Last Splash 53. Rage Against The Machine - The Battle Of Los Angeles 52. Beastie Boys - Licensed To Ill 51. Nirvana - In Utero 50. New Order - Low Life 49. Lauryn Hill - The Miseducation Of... 48. Radiohead - Kid A 47. Eric B. & Rakim - Paid In Full 46. The Fall - This Nation's Saving Grace 45. Kanye West - College Dropout 44. Green Day - Dookie 43. B.D.P. - Criminal Minded 42. Jane's Addiction - Nothing's Shocking 41. Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream 40. Run D.M.C. - Raising Hell 39. Lucinda Williams - s/t 38. A Tribe Called Quest - The Low End Theory 37. Guided By Voices - Bee Thousand 36. Pixies - Doolittle 35. Dr. Dre - The Chronic 34. Elliott Smith - Either/Or 33. Ice Cube - AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted 32. The Replacements - Tim 31. Dinosaur Jr. - You're Living All Over Me 30. The Notorious B.I.G. - Ready To Die 29. Fugazi - 13 Songs 28. Oasis - Definitely Maybe 27. The Cure - The Head On The Door 26. Bjork - Post 25. Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral 24. Sleater Kinney - Dig Me Out 23. Outkast - Stankonia 22. My Bloody Valentine - Loveless 21. Public Enemy - Fear Of A Black Planet 20. Wu Tang Clan - Enter The Wu Tang (36 Chambers) * 19. Hole - Live Through This 18. Guns N Roses - Appetite For Destruction 17. Nas - Illmatic 16. Beck - Odelay *15. Liz Phair - Exile In Guyville 14. Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation 13. Husker Du - New Day Rising 12. Beastie Boys - Paul's Boutique 11. U2 - Achtung Baby 10. N.W.A - Straight Outta Compton 9. PJ Harvey - Rid Of Me 8. Prince - Sign O The Times 7. De La Soul - 3 Ft. High And Rising 6. Pixies - Surfer Rosa 5. The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead 4. Pavement - Slanted & Enchanted 3. Nirvana - Nevermind 2. Public Enemy - It Takes A Nation... 1. Radiohead - OK ComputerOK Computer再度被加冕不讓人意外,它的歷史定位已接近難以撼動;至於其他九十九個位置,如要我選,大概超過半數都會與Spin的結果不同。(事實上我曾考慮於今年結束前列出自己的All Time Favorite 100 Albums,但這工程太過浩大,能用的時間實在有限。)為了預防一認真起來這篇文章會沒完沒了,按照閃過腦海的順序我列出了三十張不在這份名單中的唱片,都來自過去二十年。
Primal Scream – Screamadelica or XTRMNTR Radiohead – The Bends The Verve –Urban Hymns or A Northern Soul Smashing Pumpkins –Melon Collie & The Infinite Sadness Spiritualized - Ladies and Gentlemen, We Are Floating in Space or Lazer Guided Melodies Flaming Lips - The Soft Bulletin or Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots Sigur Ros - Agatis Byrjun Tortoise - Millions Now Living Will Never Die or TNT Godspeed You Black Emperor! - F# A# Infinity or Lift Yr Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven Galaxie 500 – On Fire Happy Mondays - Pills 'N' Thrills and Bellyaches Air – Moon Safari Massive Attack - Blue Lines or Mezzanine Neil Young – Ragged Glory The Prodigy - The Fat Of The Land Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go Suede – Dog Man Star U2 – The Joshua Tree Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds –The Boatman’s Call Slowdive –Souvlaki Ride – Nowhere Spacemen 3 - Playing with Fire or The Perfect Prescription Doves – The Last Broadcast Tindersticks –Tindersticks II Mogwai – Young Team Ryan Adams – Gold Mercury Rev – Deserter's Songs Mansun – Attack Of The Grey Lantern Chemical Brithers – Surrender Yo La Tengo - I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One or And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside-Out Underworld – Second Toughest in the Infants Aphex Twin - The Richard D. James Album Blur – 13 or The Great Escape Magnetic Fields - 69 Love Songs Tom Waits – Rain Dogs結果我還是沒完沒了地列了四十五張。如將這四十五張組織為球隊A,將加註*號的Cornershop - When I Was Born For The 7th Time、Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Fever To Tell、Le Tigre - Le Tigre、At The Drive-In - Relationship Of Command、Basement Jaxx – Remedy、Hole - Live Through This、Liz Phair - Exile In Guyville組織為球隊B,兩隊各派一名輪流單挑。如果有人跟我說球隊B能在任何一種對戰組合裡取勝,實在相當難以說服我。 Spin也列出了百張專輯中最驚人的銷售數字。Guns N Roses - Appetite For Destruction已賣出了一千五百萬張;Pearl Jam – Ten已賣出了一千兩百萬張;Nirvana – Nevermind與Green Day – Dookie都賣出了一千萬張;Eminem - The Marshall Mathers LP與Beastie Boys – Licensed to Ill則賣出了九百萬張。 其實我還滿喜歡看銷售數字的相關報導,常能看出許多有意思的東西。某些樂隊的銷售量比想像中差勁許多,有些則剛好相反,銷量好到超乎想像。以近期的北美市場為例,Coldplay – X&Y上市三週已賣了一百二十四萬張,Oasis新專輯上市一個月只賣了十二萬張;The Killers – Hot Fuss上市一年狂賣了兩百萬張,同樣上市一年的Keane – Hopes & Fears也賣了七十四萬張;Bloc Party – Silent Alarm上市三個月賣了十萬張,Embrace新專輯Out of Nothing上市半個月只賣了兩千七百張。 我們選擇自己的經典榜單時當然不會考慮到銷售量的問題,但瞭解自己喜歡或不喜歡的唱片在商業市場上的表現如何,有時仍是件有趣的事。 伴隨著這份新出爐的榜單,Spin也刊登了一篇由Chuck Klosterman撰寫的"Off The Record":http://www.spin.com/features/magazine/columns/chuck_klosterman/2005/06/06202005_chuck_july_column/ 。此君目前為美國最火熱的搖滾作家之一,新書"Killing Yourself to Live : 85% of a True Story":http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0743264452/qid=1120413293/sr=8-1/ref=pd_bbs_ur_1/002-2042521-6836855?v=glance&s=books&n=507846昨天才剛從Amazon收到,過陣子閱畢後再來介紹。Off The Record這篇文章列出了過去二十年來Chuck Klosterman認為最重要的其他十件事,包括電影或音樂錄影帶等,都與大眾文化有關;筆調維持一貫的詼諧幽默,頗有閱讀樂趣。 最後列出的是1989年四月號Spin選出的The 25 Greatest Albums of All Time。對照十六年過後的新榜單,真給人滄海桑田之感。
1. James Brown - Sex Machine 2. Tom Waits - Swordfishtrombones 3. Bob Dylan - Blonde on Blonde 4. The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead 5. Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II 6. Television - Marquee Moon 7. Sly and the Family Stone - Fresh 8. Elvis Costello and the Attractions - This Year's Model 9. Rolling Stones - Exile on Main St. 10. New Order - Low-life 11. Run-D.M.C. - Run-D.M.C. 12. The Replacements - Let It Be 13. Aretha Franklin - Lady Soul 14. George Michael - Faith 15. Depeche Mode - Black Celebration 16. Al Green - The Belle Album 17. Echo & the Bunnymen - Ocean Rain 18. The Velvet Underground & Nico 19. Leonard Cohen - Songs of Leonard Cohen 20. Big Daddy Kane - Long Live the Kane 21. Van Morrison - Moondance 22. Prefab Sprout - Two Wheels Good 23. Neil Young with Crazy Horse - Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere 24. Sinead O'Connor - The Lion and the Cobra 25. Minutemen - Double Nickels on the DimeRelated Article: "OK Computer? No Problem.":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005228.html "100 Greatest Pop Songs Since 1963":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005617.html Related Chart: "Pitchfork’s Top 100 Albums of the 80’s":http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/top/80s/ "Pitchfork’s Top 100 Albums of the 90’s":http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/top/90s%20%5b1999%5d/ "Pitchfork’s New Edition of Top 100 Albums of the 90’s":http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/top/90s/ "Pitchfork's Top 100 Albums from 2000 to 2004":http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/top/2000-04/
[音 樂] 引用(2)
文摘: 2005-7-4罗素,1920;龙应台,2005? # 学习Web 2.0 (一) # 盖茨每秒赚250美元 能在10年内还清美国债 # 寻找有意义的教育 # Live 8 # 迷幻公社 # Ten Most Harmful Books of the 19th and 20th Centuries # 派对继续进...
引用時間: 2005.07. 5
文摘: 今天看了pule的这篇文章100 Greatest Albums from 1985 to 2005 by Spin。 Spin公布了过去20年的百张经典专辑 我的看法也和pule差不多,Spin如今如今已经不具有代表性,不过我们可以看看自己和他的有多...
引用時間: 2005.07. 6
由 粉紅機器人六號 發表於 July 4, 2005 11:59 AM
manic street preachers - the holy bible
weezer 同名蓝专辑
suede 同名
the auteurs - new wave
要我排名的话,《the bends》第一,《pinkerton》第二,《suede》第三
由 shakermaker 發表於 August 10, 2005 11:03 AM
Manic Street Preachers - The Holy Bible的確是遺珠之憾。
由 pulp 發表於 August 22, 2005 1:27 PM
任何形式的专辑排行榜OK Computer总是毫无悬念的位列第一~
由 nike_angus 發表於 May 5, 2006 4:12 AM
top 100中我听过而又觉得名不副实的有Strokes、Afghan Whigs、The Pogues、Elastica、Yeah Yeah Yeahs、Moby、The White Stripes、Green Day、Hole
而flaming lips、yo la tengo、the verve、spiritualized、spacemen 3、david sylvian、Jon Spencer Blues Explosion等等优秀乐队/歌手没有作品入选实在不应该
由 cornershop 發表於 October 31, 2006 4:14 PM
由 cornershop 發表於 October 31, 2006 4:17 PM