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2005-06-10, 5:08 AM
試聽 – Spoon

We are forever being asked, most often by family, to explain what this "indie" rock is all about. It certainly can be confusing business. We had an hour-long conversation convincing someone that the shows we cover had absolutely nothing to do with the West Indies. Others think it's just "loud, weird stuff, right?" and we come back with Iron and Wine, Album Leaf, Bedhead... B-U-S-T! (Granted, they don't get the bust because they've never heard of those bands, but we know in our hearts we busted 'em good.) The most common perception, and perhaps closest to truth, is that indie rock describes artists that work on "independent" labels. But that really doesn't cover Built to Spill (playing this week) and, arguably, Weezer (also playing this week), now does it? And indie rock doesn't really mean having under-the-radar status anymore. Exhibit A being The Hold Steady's (whattya know, they're also playing this week) prominent feature in the latest New Yorker. We've given up. "Indie rock" is pretty much undefinable. So when your kind old aunt or genteel grandmother asks you what this "indie rock" is all about, we recommend saying, "Well Grandma, indie rock is kind of like pornography. You'll know it when you find it under your mattress." That should go over real well.什麼是Indie Rock?它不是用來歸類的,它是用自己的耳朵去感受的。而Spoon,會是鑽入你耳裡的頭幾個聲音。 播放的是第七首歌I Summon You。 Ps. Spoon將於今年七月由Village Voice舉辦的"Siren Music Festival":http://www.villagevoice.com/siren/領銜演出,我會在那邊的。 Related Article: "試聽 - Crooked Fingers":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005184.html 頭戴紅巾的封面人物突然流行起來?左為: Spoon - Gimme Fiction 右為: The Mars Volta - Frances the Mute

[音 樂] 引用(0)
spoon的Kill The Moonlight很讚 在誠品買的 新專輯也想買 但Merge台灣沒人代理 誠品近的又不是美版 只好多花點錢跟朋友訂美版啦
由 kygico 發表於 June 10, 2005 4:50 PM
首批新專輯是有附Bonus Disk的,下訂單前可以確定看看是否能買到此一版本的。
由 pulp 發表於 June 14, 2005 3:25 AM
他們的新專輯GA GA GA GA GA 版大有聽過嗎?
由 飲冰 發表於 July 18, 2007 2:56 PM