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2004-11- 2, 11:16 AM

Halloween Parade

"Official Website":http://www.halloween-nyc.com/index.php 昨晚參加了一年一度的Halloween Parade。遊行路線從Spring St.出發沿著6th Ave.至21st St.,穿越Greenwich Village的精華地帶。今年已是遊行的第三十一個年頭,有著數不盡的紐約客、觀光客的熱情參與,Village Halloween Parade已成為同類型遊行裡全世界規模最大的嘉年華。 沒有親自走一趟實在很難想像老外對Halloween瘋狂的程度,比起X'mas有過之而無不及。整個城市一起裝神弄鬼也算是另一種集體宣洩壓力的方式吧。平常被工作壓得喘不過氣的上班族可以趁這個晚上扮成超人蝙蝠俠,平常總是帶著陰鬱色彩的曼哈頓街頭終於有片刻時光是開朗的,是被大小孩童佔領的,雖然隔日又回到同樣的迷霧光景。 今年最受歡迎的裝扮,當然是Bush莫屬。平均十個人之中就會有一個人頭戴Bush的橡膠面具,極盡消遣自己之能事,兩旁觀眾當然也會大力配合給予噓聲回報。有一名老兄騎著腳踏車,全車插滿了Kerry的旗幟,搭配一閃一閃的小燈泡,所經之處當然是博得許多掌聲。排名第二的可能是Kill Bill 所延伸出來的各類型角色扮演。日本高中美少女、穿和服手持武士刀的長髮女郎、當然還有穿著黃色運動服的Uma Thurman模仿秀。至於各類型漫畫角色也是歷久不衰,東西方共冶一爐,搭配各式鬼怪,從吸血鬼到殭屍到最新出品的魔戒之半獸人,第六大道突然成為群魔亂舞的自由場域,如果再來幾輛電音花車就更過癮了。 也有人扮成John Lennon和Pirates of the Caribbean裡的Johnny Depp(也可以說是在扮Keith Richards),Marilyn Monroe當然也是歷久彌新的角色。 遊行七點開始一直到八點四十都還沒走完,我在路旁站得雙腳痲痹又被擁擠的人潮不斷推擠,只好先行告退,明年再來。希望明年可以從觀眾變成參與者,不過我得從現在就開始想要做啥裝扮了。最糟的情況就是去租一隻乳牛或是大象裝然後把自己套在裡面,戴上頭套反正也不會被人認出來。 附上Lou Reed於New York專輯裡的Halloween Parade的歌詞,寫得如此傳神,想必路伯年輕時也參加過好幾次吧。 There's a down town fairy singing out Proud Mary as she cruises Christopher Street And some Southern Queen is acting loud and mean where the docks and the Badlands meet This Halloween is something to be sure Especially to be here without you There's a Greta Garbo and an Alfred Hitchcock and some black Jamaican stud There's five Cinderellas and some leather drags I almost fell into my mug There's a Crawford, Davis and a tacky Cary Grant And some Homeboys lookin' for trouble down here from the Bronx But there ain't no Hairy and no Virgin Mary you won't hear those voices again And Johnny Rio and Rotten Rita you'll never see those faces again This Halloween is something to be sure Especially to be here without you There's the Born Again Losers and the Lavender Boozers and some crack team from Washington Heights The boys from Avenue B and the girls from Avenue D a Tinkerbell in tights This celebration somehow get me down Especially when I see you're not around There's no Peter Pedantic saying things romantic in Latin, Greek or Spic There's no Three bananas or Brandy Alexander dishing all their tricks It's a different feeling that I have today Especially when I know you've gone away There's a girl from Soho with a teeshirt saying I Blow she's with the jive five 2 plus 3 And the girls for pay dates are giving cut rates or else doing it for free The past keeps knock, knock, knocking on my door And I don't want to hear it anymore No consolations please for feelin' funky I got to get my head above my knees But it makes me mad and mad makes me sad and then I start to freeze In the back of my mind I was afraid it might be true In the back of my mind I was afraid that they meant you The Halloween Parade At the Halloween parade At the Halloween parade See you next year, at the Halloween parade

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我也去了Halloween parade,感覺很像在看花車遊行,因為我是在路邊觀賞的"遊客"。以前我在Austin的時候,感覺比較好玩,有機會明年可以去比較一下。

由 Ray 發表於 November 1, 2006 1:54 PM

to Ray,


pulp 發表於 November 1, 2006 2:01 PM