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2010-03- 8, 8:23 PM

Mark Linkous (Sparklehorse) R.I.P. (1962 - 2010)


2007年二月二十八日,我在紐約的Webster Hall看了Sparklehorse



回想Sparklehorse那場演出,想到要從硬碟中翻出當時站在第一排拍的照片,已是得知Sparklehorse靈魂人物Mark Linkous的死訊。除了回憶、懷念和唏噓,一張票根和硬碟中的照片,別的什麼,都沒有留下了。

前天,Mark Linkous對自己的心臟開了一槍。他的年紀一直是謎,大家只能推測他大概四十多歲,而根據NY Times的報導,他的真實年紀是四十七歲,比去年底過世的Vic Chesnutt還大兩歲。事實上兩人是舊識,Vic Chesnutt過世後,Sparklehorse官網首頁放的正是Vic Chesnutt坐在輪椅上的照片,還標注了捐款網址。

兩人的交集不只這點,由Mark Linkous和Danger Mouse共同製作,請來導演David Lynch拍照的合輯Dark Night Of The Soul,Vic Chesnutt是眾星雲集的其中一員。而因版權爭議,Dark Night Of The Soul的發行延宕多時,上週Danger Mouse才宣佈今年一定會出版,沒想到Mark Linkous就先走了。據報導,Sparklehorse的第五張錄音室大碟也近完成,如今卻成為遺作。

Sparklehorse對我來說是平時不會和人特別提起,卻在心中永遠留一個位置的好團。甚至那種喜好,會壓抑住和人分享的慾望。無論他早期的低傳真鄉搖,還是晚近帶點環境聲效的迷幻風格,Sparklehorse和已作古的Elliott Smith,以及Eels、Grandaddy那些美國中年男人樂團一樣,都用美麗的旋律和編曲,包裝一些非常fucked-up、亂成一團、寂寞、沮喪、一捏就碎的故事。


曾服用大量抗憂鬱劑的Mark Linkous,寫出那樣子的音樂,最終一槍解決自己,其實不讓人意外。死亡對這些受傷的靈魂,或許真的是唯一的解脫。

Sparklehorse的前四張專輯,從高中、大學到研究所,對我都有意義。印象最深的一次,是2007年九月在McCarren Pool欣賞Modest Mouse,散場後,PA放了我最喜歡的Sparklehorse曲子Shade And Honey。現在再看他寫的詞,是那麼柔情而真摯,旋律和編曲也是極品。只有心是用鐵鑄的人,才能無動於衷。

Maria's Little Elbows from Good Morning Spider (1998)

Sea Of Teeth from It's A Wonderful Life (2001)

Shade And Honey from Dreamt For Light Years In The Belly Of A Mountain (2006)

2007/2/28 at Webster Hall











Shade And Honey

I could look in your face
For a thousand years
It's like a civil war
Of pain and of cheer

But if you was a horse
I could help you with your chains
I could ride you through the fields
By your fiery mane

May your shade be sweet
And float upon the lakes
Where the sun will be
Made of honey

I'll cry gardens while you burn
Cause no one here can save you
She's returning to the Earth
But one day she'll be silver

The stars are dying in my chest
Till I see you again
She was born with the wings of a hawk
Where she combs her hair with blood

May your shade be sweet
And float upon the lakes
Where the sun will be
Made of honey

May your shade be sweet
And float upon the lakes
Where the sun will be
Made of honey

May your shade be sweet
May your shade be sweet
And float upon the lakes

May your shade be sweet

[音 樂] 引用(0)



The stars are dying in my chest...

由 chang 發表於 March 8, 2010 10:07 PM

when i heard of this last night i cried, because i will never forget how mark's voice flattened the waviness of my rough days when my young heat thrilled with fear towards the world. i think i will remember the nights i spent with their songs playing in the corner of my bedroom, the moments when i shared a secret intimacy with the fucked-up loneliness in their music... all the way to the day i myself say goodbye to this world.

由 rej. 發表於 March 9, 2010 12:48 PM

早上搭車上課還在聆聽放了好多次的Good Morning Spider,晚上一回家就見到這個噩耗...第一次覺得一個樂手的離去如同一部分的青春被剝落...really sad...

ㄚ揚 發表於 March 9, 2010 10:58 PM


由 cornershop 發表於 March 10, 2010 2:31 PM


由 Anita 發表於 March 11, 2010 7:46 AM


colin6517 發表於 March 16, 2010 11:08 PM

to colin6517,


pulp 發表於 March 17, 2010 1:53 PM



由 motherfuxxxx 發表於 March 22, 2010 8:59 PM

他不是残疾了么 为什么站在舞台上?!

由 古柯碱 發表於 March 28, 2010 11:19 PM