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2007-10-30, 11:09 PM
Junk Photo(Daniel Johnston)

Hi, How Are You?
This little frog is the famous drawing by legendary singer/songwriter "Daniel Johnston":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/007495.html. Even Kurt Cobain "wore one":http://both-kinds.com/wp-content/Curt.jpg. We went this giant mural, which is located nearby the campus of "University of Texas at Austin":http://www.utexas.edu/ this September, right before the day 2 of "Austin City Limits":http://www.aclfestival.com/default.aspx getting start. Thanks our friend "Josse":http://aprilapples.blogspot.com/ for leading us there. We really had a great time.

I'm having the fabulous & sexy mixed-vegetable soup in Greenwich Village's "Le Pain Quotidien":http://www.lepainquotidien.com/. They also have the best hazelnut jam on earth. I just can't have enough of it. And of course, I bought my Daniel Johnston frog T-Shirt in Austin. He is an icon there.
[雜 記]
由 siegfy 發表於 November 1, 2007 1:42 AM
Le Pain Quotidien的果醬的確非常棒,不過究竟能不能拿下地球上最好吃的果醬頭銜,恐怕還要跟紐約法國義大利等地多家美食名店坐下來一起開會表決才行.
由 海邊的卡夫卡 發表於 November 7, 2007 3:28 AM
由 V 發表於 September 12, 2008 8:14 PM