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2007-06-13, 11:41 PM
Cat Power Wins Shortlist Music Prize

2001 Sigur Rós - Ágætis Byrjun 2002 N.E.R.D - In Search Of... 2003 Damien Rice - O 2004 TV On The Radio - Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes 2005 Sufjan Stevens - Illinois 2006 Cat Power - The Greatest透過這份名單,眼尖的樂迷或許會發現Shortlist Music Prize的評選口味似乎較關照於獨立藝人。的確,相較於給獎動機總與商業利益牽扯不清的"Grammy Awards":http://www.grammy.com/,或鋪張花俏,流於大牌藝人造勢拼場的"MTV Music Awards":http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1558554/20070502/index.jhtml,Shortlist Music Prize與"Independent Music Awards":http://www.plugawards.com/是商業掛帥的美國樂壇裡少數願意用心傾聽多元樂種的獎項。而低調如Independent Music Awards,每年仍會固定舉辦頒獎典禮,可Shortlist Music Prize卻連頒獎典禮都省了。對樂手來說,這是一份不折不扣的精神榮譽獎。 此外,由於Shortlist Music Prize的提名機制相當耐人尋味,有人戲稱它是失敗者的獎項。要獲得提名,你得「不夠成功」才行。除了該年度於美國本土發行的唱片都具備競逐資格,該唱片於提名截止日之前,還不得突破金唱片的銷量。換句話說,一張賣破五十萬張的暢銷之作,便自動遭Shortlist Music Prize「淘汰」出局了。這種評選邏輯的幕後動機其實相當清楚,就是希望能鼓勵更多暫被忽略的好音樂,提高它們的能見度,而不是一味做著錦上添花的無意義之舉。 以今年為例,Shortlist Music Prize於年初宣佈了包含六十一張專輯的初選名單,它們是:
Against Me! - Americans Abroad Live in London And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead - So Divided Art Brut - Bang Bang Rock & Roll Band of Horses - Everything All the Time Beck - The Information Beirut - Gulag Orskestar Belle and Sebastian - The Life Pursuit Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - The Letting Go Cat Power - The Greatest Country Teasers - The Empire Strikes Back CSS - Cansei de Ser Sexy Cursive - Happy Hollow Dabrye - Two/Three Danielson - Ships Dead Heart Bloom - Dead Heart Bloom Editors - The Back Room Field Music - Field Music Forgive Durden - Wonderland Girl Talk - Night Ripper Hot Chip - The Warning Howling Bells - Howling Bells Jeremy Enigk - World Waits Joanna Newsom - Ys Kidd Jordan Hamid Drake + William Parker - Palm of Soul Kimya Dawson - Remember that I Love You Liars - Drum's Not Dead Love is All - Nine Times That Same Song Lupe Fiasco - Food & Liquor Mates of State - Bring It Back Matmos - The Rose Has Teeth in the Mouth of a Beast Mew - And the Glass Handed Kites Midlake - The Trials of Van Occupanther Mohair - Small Talk Mute Math - Mutemath Neil Young - Living With War OOIOO - Taiga Peeping Tom - Peeping Tom Regina Spektor - Begin to Hope Serena Maneesh - Serena Maneesh Skream - Skream Spank Rock - YoYoYoYoYo Teddybears - Soft Machine The Blow - Paper Television The Bronx - The Bronx The Decemberists - The Crane Wife The Gossip - Standing In the Way of Control The Hush Sound - Like Vines The Knife - Silent Shout The Raconteurs - Broken Boy Soldiers The Roots - Game Theory The Stills - Without Feathers The Strokes - First Impression of Earth The Secret Machines - Ten Silver Drops The Velvet - Teen Cum Laude The Weepies - Say I am You Tom Waits - Orphans TV On The Radio - Return to Cookie Mountain Vaux - Beyond Virture Beyond Vice We Are Scientists - With Love and Squalor Wolfmother - Wolfmother Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Show Your Bones這些專輯共來自十個不同國度,發行自超過四十五間不同廠牌。Shortlist Music Prize兼容並蓄的精神可見一斑。而一個月後入圍決選的十張專輯也隨之公佈,它們是:
Band of Horses - Everything All the Time Beirut - Gulag Orkestar Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - The Letting Go Cat Power - The Greatest Girl Talk - Night Ripper Hot Chip - The Warning Joanna Newsom - Ys Regina Spektor - Begin to Hope Spank Rock - YoYoYoYoYo Tom Waits - Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers and Bastards最終結果我們都知道了。 值得一書的是,Shortlist Music Prize的選獎方式也相當獨特。並未採行會員投票制或線上投票系統,而是由主辦單位每年邀來一群口味不同、風格迥異的評審進行表決。今年的評審名單包含唱作人"Sufjan Stevens":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/006451.html、"Flaming Lips":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/008395.html主唱Wayne Coyne、Snow Patrol主唱Gary Lightbody、The Killers鼓手Ronnie Vannucci與"Franz Ferdinand":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/004477.html及Panic! At The Disco的樂隊成員。 是的,你沒看錯,Panic! At The Disco。此等高度折衷性,正是Shortlist Music Prize有趣的地方。
[音 樂] 引用(0)
不過得獎的專輯真的都很好聽,沒看到這個資訊之前沒想到喜歡的這幾片cd在Shortlist Music Prize榜上。
由 roco 發表於 June 15, 2007 8:35 PM