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2007-03-19, 2:09 AM
Remaining Days 20 – Helpless

One of the greatest moments in rock history.
"Neil Young":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/007570.html + The Band + Joni Mitchell + "Martin Scorsese":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/009259.html = Helpless + The Last Waltz = Timeless Classic
This is those kind of song which can bring me to tears every time I listen to it. This is those kind of song I can listen to it over and over again and still never get bored. This is those kind of song I'm willing to die for. This is those kind of song I wish someone can play for me whether I'm up or down.
Hey Neil, you always give me courage and strength. Thank you. I will never let you down. I promise. I will never let you down.
Neil Young - Helpless
There is a town in north ontario,
With dream comfort memory to spare,
And in my mind I still need a place to go,
All my changes were there.
Blue, blue windows behind the stars,
Yellow moon on the rise,
Big birds flying across the sky,
Throwing shadows on our eyes.
Leave us
Helpless, helpless, helpless
Baby can you hear me now?
The chains are locked and tied across the door,
Baby, sing with me somehow.
Blue, blue windows behind the stars,
Yellow moon on the rise,
Big birds flying across the sky,
Throwing shadows on our eyes.
Leave us
Helpless, helpless, helpless.
[音 樂]
我也很喜歡Neil Young
由 老劉 發表於 March 20, 2007 12:46 PM
It's a wonderful concert!!
每次重複看這部紀錄片,看到老楊上台時跟 Robbie說:"謝謝你讓我來此表演"這句話時,Robbie大笑地說:"shit,are you kidding?!"
由 Reni 發表於 March 21, 2007 2:39 AM
to 老劉,
這兩天終於收到了Neil Young新的現場專輯Live At Massey Hall 1971,實在太好聽了。也收錄了Helpless一曲。
相較於上一張火力全開、以電吉他為主導的Live at the Fillmore East,我更喜歡這張以空心木吉他為基調的作品。
to Reni,
我也很喜歡Robbie Robertson,我覺得他在舞台上的人格特質非常瀟灑。
由 pulp 發表於 March 25, 2007 1:40 PM
完全同意!!!One of the greatest moment in Rock history. The Last Waltz我看了不下十遍, Van Morrison的脫序演出也很精采, 另外Rust Never Sleeps的演唱會DVD我更是看了有二十遍吧, 巧的是這兩場演唱會都在舊金山舉行, Last Waltz在Winterland(早就沒有了), Rust Never Sleeps在Cow Palace, 我初戀女友就住在那附近, 每每看都會感傷起來, 好久沒逛你的部落格, 看來你似乎要回台灣之類的, 到時候有空再聯絡! 祝一切順利! Mon
由 monwong 發表於 April 4, 2007 1:04 AM