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2007-01-20, 11:08 PM
My First Expedition to Village Vanguard

[現 場] 引用(0)
one of my dream place
由 bedworm 發表於 January 21, 2007 12:46 PM
由 抽筋豪 發表於 January 23, 2007 10:54 PM
每個人的經驗應該不一樣,就我來講,轉變也就只是代表自己喜好/口味更多元,跟年紀不見得有必然的關係。幾年來我的音樂聆聽主力從搖滾→古典→爵士,但現在仍較偏好cutting-edge的古典或爵士,如二十世紀後的neo-classical或free jazz,粗略說還是比較"古怪"或"前衛"的部分,不代表老了所以喜歡浪漫的東西。
由 dionysoslin 發表於 January 24, 2007 2:18 PM
由 luka 發表於 January 24, 2007 8:17 PM
真覺得蓋希文的〈Rhapsody in Blue〉是現代古典樂中JAZZ風的經典!
Pulp不妨從〈Rhapsody in Blue〉試試看囉!
由 ZOE 發表於 January 25, 2007 2:16 AM
Fads in music come and go. To most people, they are just soundtracks of their youth. Life events always take precedence and, before you know it, distance sets in and music taste either grows mellower or more sophisticated, depending on how you see it. I'd say the true color begins to show a few years after college. One can stay 'hip' for a long time. Just watch out when past a certain age, when you are as 'hip' as your offspring, you are very quickly becoming an oddball in most people's eye.
When I heard old Neil sang in one of his songs "People my age they don't do the things I do" (Mirror Ball), with arms in the air, I said, ROCK ON.
由 yando 發表於 January 26, 2007 2:46 AM
To yando
I'm totally indulged in what you describe,your words like a beautiful poem,fascinated but contrariously powerful.^^
Especially this part:
"When I heard old Neil sang in one of his songs "People my age they don't do the things I do" (Mirror Ball), with arms in the air, I said, ROCK ON."
由 Sherry 發表於 January 27, 2007 8:08 PM
You are not serious, Sherry. I happen to think Pulp writes beautiful pieces, in either language.
由 yando 發表於 January 29, 2007 4:45 AM
sorry pulp:
I felt so regret after typing those message below.
"am I crazy ?? Leave message to someone who happen to leave some messages on the blog!!" Hope it's fine by you....i didnt mean to.....^^!
But here comes the point:
Yando's reply for me "happens" to be the beautiful twist to my unpolite message and the fantastic compliment to your addiction to Rock music,am I right?!
由 Sherry 發表於 February 2, 2007 10:50 PM
I felt so regret after typing those message "above".
(typing mistake,damn!!><)
由 Sherry 發表於 February 2, 2007 10:55 PM
小弟去年九月初造訪紐約,由於行程緊湊以及資金短缺,只造訪了這個爵士聖地,沒能順道去Birdland和Blue Note朝聖,甚是可惜,而那晚的主角是當今樂壇Tenor Sax第一把交椅Joe Lovano,以年過古稀,曾是Bill Evans鼓手的Paul Motian,以及相當有才華且風格多變的Bill Frisell,這三人已不是第一次一起演奏,所以默契已經好到三人都在玩自己的東西,只差一點就要踏入Free Jazz的領域,而與我同行的Enix賢伉儷由於不習慣於這種太過即興連拍子都無法打的音樂,似乎並不像小弟我被他們所演奏的音符打動,有點美中不足...
由 Brian 發表於 February 3, 2007 7:20 PM
Sherry: 我去年在洛杉磯的 Jazz Bakery 參加 Bill Frisell 的演奏會. 當天的曲目主要是來自 East/West 與 Further East/Further West. 與專輯不同之處在於原來的三重奏 Bill Frisell 這次增加了兩個管樂手, 成為五重奏. 這真是給我賺到, Bill Frisell 本來就擅長管樂的編曲, 同樣的曲子, 五重奏的版本立刻就精彩 10 倍以上. 是我在美國聽到最精彩的演出.
由 hhyu00 發表於 February 4, 2007 1:09 PM
Brad Mehldau /Brad Mehldau Trio : Live
我有預感你會對這套雙CD有興趣. 你的學長在這張剛出爐的Village Vanguard現場裡有收錄Wonderwall跟Black Hole Sun.
由 dionysoslin 發表於 April 8, 2008 3:29 PM
to dionysoslin,
由 pulp 發表於 April 10, 2008 9:20 PM