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2006-05-29, 8:18 AM
2006 Mar & Apr LP List

1. Velvet Underground - Live At Max's Kansas City [Limited Edition Colored LP] $11.91 2. Growing - His Return [LP] $10 3. Radiohead - I Might Be Wrong: Live Recordings [LP] $10.83 4. Iron Butterfly - In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida [LP] $3.26 5. John Cale - Vintage Violence [LP] $7 6. Bob Dylan/The Band - Before the Flood [2LP] $8.66 7. Bob Dylan - Self Portrait [2LP] $10.83 8. The Band - Cahoots [LP] $6.5 9. The Band - The Last Waltz [3LP] $10.83 10. Elvis Costello - This Years Model [LP] $8.66 11. King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King [LP] $13 12. Thurston Moore/Cotton Museum - Split [LP] $14 13. Espers - The Weed Tree [LP] $15 14. Yo La Tengo - Genius + Love = Yo La Tengo [2LP] $8.66 15. Lou Reed - Growing Up In Public [LP] $4 16. Beatles - Rubber Soul [LP] $5 17. Beatles - 1962-1966 [2LP] $5 18. John Lennon/Yoko Ono - Double Fantasy [LP] $4 19. Electric President - Electric President [LP] $13 20. Loose Fur - Born Again in the USA [LP] $13 21. The Postal Service - Give Up [2LP] $13 22. Rolling Stones - Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out! [LP] $10 23. Rolling Stones - Some Girls [LP] $4 24. Rolling Stones - Hot Rocks 1964-1971 [2LP] $5 25. Easy Rider - OST [LP] $6 26. Elvis Costello - Imperial Bedroom [LP] $5 27. David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust [LP] $4.8 28. David Byrne - Music For The Knee Plays [LP] $5 29. Rachel's - Music For Egon Schiele [LP] $11.76 30. Keith Jarrett - The Koln Concert [2LP] $9.62 31. Allman Brothers Band- At Fillmore East [2LP] $6 32. The Who - Quadrophenia [2LP] $5 33. Paul Simon - Paul Simon [LP] $3 34. Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here [LP] $4 35. The Doors - The Doors [LP] $3 36. The Doors - The Soft Parade [LP] $4 37. Patti Smith - Easter [LP] $5 38. Patti Smith - Dream of Life [LP] $4 39. Laurie Anderson - Big Science [LP] $3 40. Pretenders - Extended Play [LP] $3 41. Band of Holy Joy - Positively Spooked [LP] $4 42. Band of Holy Joy - Manic, Magic, Majestic [LP] $4 43. Sonic Youth - Sonic Youth [2LP] $13.4 44. Yo La Tengo - Danelectro [LP] $5 45. Mogwai - Mr. Beast [2LP] $15.16 46. Lou Reed - Live [LP] $6.5 47. Rolling Stones - Between the Buttons [LP] $4.32 48. New Order - Power, Corruption & Lies [LP] $6.5 49. Beatles - Revolver [LP] $10.83 50. Pink Floyd - Animals [LP] $8.67 51. Talking Heads - Naked [LP] $5.4 52. Talking Heads - Little Creatures [LP] $5.4 53. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Yeah Yeah Yeahs [LP] $4.32 54. David Bowie - Heroes [LP] $4.32 55. King Crimson - Lizard [LP] $6.5 56. Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road [2LP] $5.4 57. John Coltrane - Blue Train [LP] $10.83 58. Talking Heads - Stop Making Sense [LP] $4.34 59. Sonic Youth - The Whitey Album [LP] $13 60. Calexico - Garden Ruin [LP] $14 61. Dirty Three - She Has No Strings Apollo [LP] $12 62. Galaxie 500 - Blue Thunder [LP] $16 63. PJ Harvey - Stories From the City, Story From the Sea [LP] $6.5 64. Massive Attack - 100th Window [3LP] $11.91大部分都是六七零的老搖滾與八零的後龐克。相關討論已有太多,我就不再多嘴,挑一些有意思的新貨與難忘品項聊聊。 "Growing":http://www.kranky.net/artists/growing.html是三月欣賞Mogwai表演時的暖場樂隊。入場前我對他們一無所知,可這兩人組所製造的吉他噪音與環境音網卻相當合我胃口,表演結束後團員還親自於攤位前販售唱片與衣服。我詢問了其中一名團員,哪一張適合新人入門,他推薦His Return,我也乖乖掏錢付帳。他們的新專輯Color Wheel剛發行不久,最近也登上了另類雜誌"Arthur":http://www.arthurmag.com/news/index.php之"封面":http://www.arthurmag.com/images/covers/A22cover.jpg,Growing後勢看漲。(團名取得真有遠見) Electric President是所有Indie-Electronic愛好者的新歡,好聽度不遜於Postal Service。這張專輯與上篇文章提過的The Rosebuds、Destroyer情況相似,都是被我選入旅遊合輯,可出發前尚未購入的作品。我在費城的唱片行以公道價格入手了Electric President的黑膠版本,也於同一地點順道買入Postal Service的雙LP膠片。第二片涵蓋了幾首混音曲目,同時也有Sub Pop隊友The Shins與Iron and Wine的翻唱歌曲。 Loose Fur為Wilco之Jeff Tweedy、Glenn Kotche與鬼才Jim O'Rourke的三人組合。身為兩組人馬的忠實樂迷,Loose Fur的第二張專輯Born Again in the USA當然沒有理由錯過。這張專輯中規中舉,最大的驚喜在於其中收錄了The Ruling Class一曲,這是我去年底欣賞Jeff Tweedy"個人演唱會":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/007277.html時的表演曲目之一。我當時以為這將成為Wilco的新歌,沒想到他選擇將之收錄於Loose Fur的專輯內。 She Has No Strings Apollo是我收藏的第四張Dirty Three黑膠。那一張張美麗的油彩封面,是黑膠永遠不會絕跡的最佳理由。套一句俗話,即使你沒有唱盤,如此"美麗":http://www.anchorandhope.com/img/d2apollo.jpg的封套設計,掛在牆上當擺飾也值得每一分錢。我於Greenwich Village的"Generation Records":http://www.generationrecords.com/generation/generation.html買入,結帳時店員竟問我,【此團仍在活動嗎?】我跟他說去年底我"才看過":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/006940.html他們的表演,他一副不可置信的模樣。紐約與澳洲兩地顯然存在了既定的時空與品味差異。 Mogwai - Mr. Beast相當令人失望。我曾以為這是音質問題,畢竟初次聆聽是透過網路上的MP3串流。但不論跟朋友借來CD,或自己購入了黑膠,我確信耳朵已聽到了所有不該遺漏的音層,這張專輯在我心裡仍無起死回生的跡象。他們的現場依舊無敵,動人心弦;可Mr. Beast卻堪稱今年最無趣的作品之一,如果你是自Young Team一路聽來的死忠樂迷。 Sonic Youth前陣子重發了幾張早期作品。同名之作Sonic Youth為樂隊1982年發行的首張EP,當時的鼓手仍是Richard Edson,我們熟知的Steve Shelley尚未入團。重發版本除了收錄原有的五首曲目,第二張膠片則覆載著珍稀的現場錄音與Demo。設計採Gatefold的開闔模式,包裹黑膠的紙袋上還印有Richard Edson與"Glenn Branca":http://www.glennbranca.com/(紐約下城音樂場景的耆老)所撰的文獻回顧。另有從未曝光的照片數張,是相當有意義的收藏品。 The Whitey Album就更有意思了。名稱不但擬諧了Beatles的經典專輯The White Album,從封面到內容更是Sonic Youth對流行天后Madonna的”致敬”演出。樂隊夥同了知名背斯手Mike Watt組成Ciccone Youth這隊暫時性Side-Project,團名來自於Madonna的本姓Ciccone。專輯裡甚至取樣了Madonna的歌曲片段,是八零年代末期最著名的樂壇惡趣味之一。 Thurston Moore/Cotton Museum - Split全球限量五百套,買來至今只放過一遍。為了怕殘害自己的雙耳,從此不敢再將之放上轉盤。這是從地獄傳來的噪音,摘錄一段"官方網頁":http://www.tastysoil.com/store/store2.html的介紹:
Two dudes over 6 feet tall making totally fucked noise. THURSTON MOORE is on side A, putting you into a reverb junk zone a hundred feet under the ground where you can actually hear the grubs boring holes through the dirt & sucking the flesh off your dead pets corpse. COTTON MUSEUM is on side B creating theremin & loop scum, super rotted style. Skulls scraping on rib bones over and over.販售此專輯的"頁面":http://www.tastysoil.com/index2.html也充斥著各式各樣的詭異"畫作":http://chrispottinger.tastysoil.com/drawings/drawings.html,喜愛噁心搞怪的另類次文化塗鴉的朋友相當值得花時間逛逛。(線上商店也有DVD、別針與T-Shirt可供挑選) Garden Ruin維持了Calexico的一貫水準,是悅耳流暢的作品。其中一曲Deep Down更將成為我的年度單曲之一。廠牌Quarterstick也順從民意潮流,採納我之前介紹過的"機制":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/006398.html,於黑膠版本中附上了MP3的下載Coupon,如此一來購買黑膠的樂迷同時也能享有數位音樂的便利,不必再煩惱於轉檔問題,甚為貼心。但令人聳肩的是老美慣有的冷笑話風格,有時實在不怎麼好笑。請看附圖的最後一行。 如果說大部分的英國人不懂幽默,大部分的美國人就是自以為幽默。美國電視上的垃圾影集看多了,還真能體會這番道理。 Related Articles: "2006 Mar & Apr CD List":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/007765.html "2006 Jan & Feb CD & DVD List":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/007187.html

[戀 物] 引用(0)
請問聽 sonic youth, 該從哪張 album 開始呢
由 martin 發表於 May 31, 2006 12:05 AM
推荐Daydream Nation和Dirty,算他们最经典的2张了,其实他们的音乐随着年代跨度也蛮大的
由 晓 發表於 May 31, 2006 12:50 AM
由 iron 發表於 June 1, 2006 2:21 AM
之前看了 mogwai的live 感動 尤其最後十分鐘的white noise
非常想買mr beast 英國太貴 到現在還沒買
由 alton 發表於 June 1, 2006 5:20 AM
嘿 你好 SONIC YOUTH 和 YYY 8月11,12号 在Brooklyn 演出
不知道 你买没买票 我现在在北京 不知道你能不能帮我买票……
由 jeffhadry 發表於 June 1, 2006 10:09 PM
Sonic Youth 三部曲:
Evol、Sister、Daydream Nation
Dirty 也很讚
新的 Rather Ripped 個人也很喜歡
入門的話就推2F提的 Daydream Nation & Dirty 好了
由 Van 發表於 June 3, 2006 6:21 AM
我就覺得Sonic Youth早期專輯太實驗化,不太適合做啓蒙之用,我還是喜歡推薦別人聼Murray Street。
由 快樂牛郎 發表於 June 29, 2006 10:24 AM
wow, I'd love to see Growing's live performance!
they possess the magic of solidifying the atmosphere around you and embrace you from all directions.
由 Kirk 發表於 July 3, 2006 3:00 AM
Sonic Youth的入門專輯我推薦Goo、Washing Machine和Murray Street。
to jeffhadry,
你提的SY + YYYs表演我也很有興趣,可惜我八月初不在紐約。祝你有個難忘的演唱會回憶。
to iron,
to Kirk,
I'm so glad to see someone who also knows and likes Growing. I think they are such an obscure band outside America.
由 pulp 發表於 July 8, 2006 2:24 PM