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2005-07-20, 5:25 PM
My Top 50 Albums Of 2005 So Far

"...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005223.html - Worlds Apart "Andrew Bird - The Mysterious Production of Eggs":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005340.html "Antony and the Johnsons - I Am a Bird Now":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005084.html "Bloc Party":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005664.html - Silent Alarm "The Books - Lost & Safe":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005442.html "British Sea Power - Open Season":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005260.html Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Clap Your Hands Say Yeah Eels - Blinking lights and other revelations "Shout Out Louds - Howl Howl Gaff Gaff":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005693.html Sufjan Stevens - Illiniois11-20 Seamlessly Enjoyable & Unimpeachable
"Amusement Parks On Fire - Amusement Parks On Fire":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005610.html "Cass Mccombs - Prefection":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005067.html "Engineers - Engineers":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005655.html "Kent - Du & Jag Döden":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005519.html "LCD Soundsystem":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005095.html - LCD Soundsystem "Mercury Rev":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005532.html - The Secret Migration "M.I.A. - Arular":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005157.html "M. Ward":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005241.html - Transistor Radio "Mice Parade - Bem-Vinda Vontade":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005470.html "The National - Alligator":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005301.html21-30 Generally Outstanding & Engrossing
Bruce Springsteen - Devils and Dust "Caribou - The Milk of Human Kindness":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005411.html "Doves":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005532.html - Some Cities "Four Tet":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005380.html - Everything Ecstatic "Low":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/004769.html - The Great Destroyer "M83":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005291.html - Before The Dawn Heals Us Smog - A river ain't too much to love "Spoon - Gimme Fiction":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005489.html "Stars - Set Yourself on fire":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005215.html White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan31-40 Defective But Still At Its Peak
"Bonnie Prince Billy":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/004990.html - Superwolf Boredoms - Seadrum/House of Sun "Crooked Fingers - Dignity And Shame":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005184.html Foo Fighters - In Your Honor "Gorillaz - Demon Days":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005432.html The Hold Steady – Separation Sunday "Josh Rouse - Nashville":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005124.html "Mia Doi Todd - Manzanita":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/004978.html Stephen Malkmus - Face the Truth The Tears – Here Come the Tears41-50 The Decent Stuff
"Akron/Family - Akron/Family":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005102.html Architecture In Helsinki - In Case We Die Black Mountain - Black Mountain Final Fantasy - Has A Good Home Iron & Wine - Woman King Lemon Jelly - '64-'95 "Maximo Park":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005621.html - A Certain Trigger Sleater-Kinney - The Woods Superpitcher - Today "Youth Group - Skeleton Jar":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005550.htmlFor God’s Sake, Please Tell Me Why
Angels of Light - The Angels of Light Sing "Other People" Beck - "Guero":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005315.html Billy Corgan - The Future Embrace "Chemical Brothers - Push the Bottom":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005030.html "Coldplay":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/002171.html - "X & Y":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005644.html The Frames- Burn The Maps "Moby":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005337.html - "Hotel":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005315.html "New Order":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/005401.html – Waiting For The Sirens' Call Ryan Adams & The Cardinals - Cold Roses Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra - Horses in the Sky其他音樂網站或Blog的上半年結算: "Metacritic":http://www.metacritic.com/music/bests/2005.shtml、"Rate Your Music":http://rateyourmusic.com/lists/list_view/list_id_is_13306、One Louder "1":http://www.oneloudernyc.com/2005/07/rajeevs-top-5-or-so-of-05-so-far.html、"2":http://www.oneloudernyc.com/2005/07/jasons-top-5-of-2005-6-months-in.html;這邊則有"最糟糕的":http://www.muzzleofbees.com/2005/06/22/worst-so-far/。
[年 鑑] 引用(0)
由 nowherepuppy 發表於 July 21, 2005 12:13 AM
Beck - Guero
由 air 發表於 July 21, 2005 5:47 PM
十分期待 Broken Social Scene 的新專輯~
我自己覺得 Coldplay - X & Y 真的比上一張遜色...
由 Penny-均 發表於 July 22, 2005 12:36 AM
我也相當期待Broken Social Scene的新專輯。
Broken Social Scene是我覺得目前地球上最好的幾個樂隊之一。
由 pulp 發表於 July 27, 2005 6:22 PM
我朋友莫名其妙地幫我買了九月(?)Clap your hand say yeah在布魯克林(! 據說是因為曼哈頓那場已經售罄)的票。我連他們是什麼樣的音樂都不曉得哩。不過現在已經確定九月會搬去布魯克林,起碼會近些:p
由 lazyhooligan 發表於 July 29, 2005 1:05 PM
你說的是9/7 The National & Clap Your Hand Say Yeah @ Warsaw這場嗎?
由 pulp 發表於 July 31, 2005 2:25 AM
反覆看了這份榜單,發現沒有Mountain Goats,Belle&Sebastian及The Go-Betweens阿阿,那a阿捏!?(在心裡自問)
跟Maximo Park比起來,我會選他們家的Jamie Lidell...還有Mr.Scruff今年重發的舊作也是不壞的選擇,恩
下半年可期待的還有SFA,Franz Ferdinand,Devendra Banhart跟Boards of Canada!!
由 george 發表於 August 1, 2005 12:25 AM
嗯應該是你說的那場沒錯,因為我剛一查Bowery Ballroom那場果然已經售罄。我依稀記得你以前提過你也是住布魯克林是吧,不曉得你住哪一區, 不要告訴我是什麼Park Slope或Williamsburg, 我會...很羨慕的。﹝雖然常常講hipsters壞話,還是很想住這兩區呀,畢竟房子漂亮又方便... ) 嗯總之要怎麼聯絡你呢? 我的email是priscillachen (at) gmail.com 我秋天去紐約不是去念書,所以有點小擔心不會碰到很多年齡相似又興趣相投的朋友,能碰個面當然好囉。
由 lazyhooligan 發表於 August 2, 2005 8:24 AM
喔對了對了,我上禮拜在西岸看了Sufjan Stevens啦,非常棒,他這所謂「啦啦隊」的噱頭也很好笑。他的"choir"好像都是很虔誠基督徒的樣子,我覺得最有趣的就是這張專輯雖然一下Lord, 一下Creator, 一下什麼"from above"的, 主要聽眾應該也是平常最不信教的indie rock小孩吧...
由 lazyhooligan 發表於 August 2, 2005 8:28 AM
to george,
Mountain Goats我一直沒有很喜歡,反覆聽了多遍仍不是自己的味兒;Belle & Sebastian那張是精選輯,所以不列入考慮;The Go-Betweens新作我還沒聽過,有機會得找來聽聽囉。我也期待Devendra Banhart與Boards of Canada。
to lazyhooligan,
我昨天也去看了Sufjan Stevens的表演,啦啦隊真的很可愛啊,哈。
我住在Park Slope附近,再往東南邊一點。我想我們預計要看的Clap Your Hand Say Yeah是同一場沒錯,
由 pulp 發表於 August 22, 2005 1:01 PM