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2005-06-28, 4:47 PM
What Creation Records Band Are You?

Ten Essential Singles/EPs: Upside Down, the Jesus and Mary Chain (1984) Christine, the House of Love (1988) You Made Me Realise, My Bloody Valentine (1988) Come Together, Primal Scream (1990) The Concept, Teenage Fanclub (1991) Flying, the Telescopes (1991) Lazarus, the Boo Radleys (1992) If I Can’t Change Your Mind, Sugar (1993) Some Might Say EP, Oasis (1995) Ice Hockey Hair EP, Super Furry Animals (1998) Ten Essential Albums: Forever Breathes the Lonely Word, Felt (1986) Doing it for the Kids, Various Artists (1988) Nowhere, Ride (1990) Bandwagonesque, Teenage Fanclub (1991) Loveless, My Bloody Valentine (1991) Screamadelica, Primal Scream (1991) Giant Steps, the Boo Radleys (1993) Souvlaki, Slowdive (1993) Definitely Maybe, Oasis (1994) Radiator, Super Furry Animals (1997)此外"這個":http://www.stylusmagazine.com/feature.php?ID=1508網頁詳細介紹了編號CRE001 - CRE050的前五十張Creation單曲,"這邊":http://www.twee.net/labels/creation.html則有Creation所有發行物的Discography,想認真專研的考古狂可以逛上好一陣子。Creation倒店後Alan McGee東山再起創建了另一個獨立廠牌"Poptones":http://www.poptones.co.uk/,而Creation Records的原版網頁長得"這幅模樣":http://www.creation-records.com/archive/index.html。2001年也出版了一本名為"Alan McGee and the Story of Creation Records":http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1840183500/qid=1119943771/sr=8-1/ref=pd_bbs_1/002-2042521-6836855?v=glance&s=books&n=507846的書,想探索過去的樂迷可以弄來瞧瞧。 本文主題其實是"這個":http://tinyurl.com/4kcmv網站。它列出了五個問題,作答後會列出你最像哪一組Creation樂隊,並給予一小段評語。我選的答案為5 1 4 1 5,相似的樂隊為My Bloody Valentine,評語如下:
You Are...My Bloody Valentine. You tend to be a bit distant and reclusive. You are a leader as opposed to being a follower. You are a perfectionist and pay very close attention to detail. You have the tendency to be lazy, which sometimes get's in the way of you achieving whatever it is you may be trying to perfect. You don't really care about what's typically looked upon as the norm. You really don't care about what people think about you at all, or at least so you try and make it seem. You care most about just being yourself.好像還滿準的,如果沒事無聊不妨花個兩分鐘上去玩玩。 Ps. 圖片是Creation Records發行於1986年的廠牌合輯Doing It For The Kids,被喻為與NME的C-86卡帶同等重要的發行物。 Related Article: "C-86 Movement":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/004657.html "試聽 - Ride、The Go! Team、Felt":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/004768.html "Valentine's Playlist":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/004786.html "新的Shoegaze首都":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/004793.html
[音 樂] 引用(2)
文摘: 喔耶~我是 Primal Scream!
引用時間: 2005.06.29
文摘: 這個也是從音速青春看到的,蠻好玩的。 What Creation Records Band Are You? 測驗連結 我的結果是The Jesus And Mary Chain,做了好幾次都是這個結果。呃,雖然我有一張專輯(看什麼經典100的書胡亂買的...
引用時間: 2005.06.30
You Are... Oasis. What you lack in originality you make up for in sheer determ\
ination. You have found a nice balance between party time and work time. You h\
ave the ability to convince the world of anything you want them to believe and\
you shamelessly do so. You are a purist who has the tendency to live in the p\
ast, which is your biggest downfall. If you could only learn to get with the t\
imes there's no telling how big you could be. You are destined to go down in h\
由 違規 發表於 June 28, 2005 10:35 PM
喔耶~我是 Primal Scream!
由 bias 發表於 June 29, 2005 4:35 PM
出來的結果是My Bloody Valentine
由 粉紅機器人六號 發表於 June 30, 2005 1:37 PM
My Bloody Valentine確實是不得不聽的好音樂。
由 pulp 發表於 July 4, 2005 4:48 AM
im Ride
由 poe-Poet 發表於 October 28, 2005 12:50 PM
我做了2次都是Jesus and Mary Chain
Loveless的LP版本??oh my god...好想要
由 deepbluejack 發表於 December 26, 2005 1:47 AM
爲蝦米我會是My Bloody Valentine?。。。。。。-_-!
由 Freddie 發表於 December 26, 2005 2:46 PM
Slowdive :)
由 XII 發表於 May 12, 2006 3:09 PM
由 jackie 發表於 May 12, 2006 8:47 PM
由 丁丁 發表於 February 2, 2007 8:35 PM
由 d!zzy 發表於 October 17, 2007 5:39 PM