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2005-03-18, 3:51 PM
試聽 – Mia Doi Todd
"Mia Doi Todd":http://www.miadoitodd.com/是來自美國西岸的女性Singer/Songwriter,就讀耶魯大學時開始嘗試創作,1997年於獨立廠牌X-Mas旗下發行了首張專輯The Ewe and the Eye,隨後兩張專輯於其他獨立廠牌打滾,直到2002年的The Golden State轉投主流廠Columbia Records才算正式打開了Mia Doi Todd的知名度&能見度。
今年的新作Manzanita重回獨立廠牌的懷抱,由加州Indie名廠"Plug Research Records":http://www.plugresearch.com/發行。Mia Doi Todd與一票LA獨立樂圈的友人共同錄製了這張恬淡雅緻的民謠專輯。聽著她的聲音很容易讓人聯想起Joni Mitchell,同樣都是舒服快意中帶點淡淡事故的憂傷;也許Manzanita永遠沒法和Blue相提並論,但Mia Doi Todd寫歌時帶著詩意的筆觸與樂曲中俯拾皆是的優美調子,卻能輕易地征服每一個喜歡清新民謠的樂迷。事實上專輯裡不只採用了民謠的元素,其他如雷鬼、硬搖滾也都在她的實驗範圍內;別因為聽到了雷鬼或硬搖滾就敬而遠之,Mia Doi Todd使用它們的方式優雅極了。
"Interview in Junkmedia":http://www.junkmedia.org/?i=1414
What If We Do?
We sit in the grass and we talk of our pasts,
a rollcall of all our lovers.
A feeling arises we both recognize.
We could fulfill each other.
What if we do?
We each have travelled and come to a rest.
We’re trying to make things happen.
Neither of us know how to measure success.
Hey, we could fall in love and be happy.
What if we do?
All the butterflies rise to the surface.
I say stupid things when I get nervous.
Watch the sunset, forget all the chatter
All the butterflies say it don’t matter.
It’s getting late. We had better head back.
We could stop and get some dinner.
There’s a full moon rising, the stars are aligned.
We could spend the night together.
What if we do?
[音 樂]
由 frences 發表於 April 8, 2005 1:30 AM
Your blog is really exceptional. Welcome!
由 pulp 發表於 April 8, 2005 3:02 PM