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2005-03- 6, 3:48 PM
試聽 – Patrick Wolf
"Patrick Wolf":http://www.patrickwolf.com/,愛爾蘭人,1983年出生,比我還小五歲。
當別人仍為臉上的青春痘煩惱時,年僅十一歲的Patrick Wolf已經開始耕耘自己的singer/songwriter之途,他能拉小提琴,也能填詞譜曲。十四歲加入流行樂隊Minty,隨後受到英國獨立大廠"Fat Cat":http://fat-cat.co.uk/fatcat/home.php賞識且資助其錄音設備,Patrick Wolf開始在臥房裡嘗試錄製四軌作品,並於2004年以二十一歲之齡發表了首張專輯Lycanthropy。
就像電影導演的首部作品幾乎都帶著自傳色彩一般,Patrick Wolf的首張個人創作也總結了1994至2002年間自己曾經(或未曾)發表的歌曲;專輯名稱Lycanthropy(化人為狼的巫術)(什麼怪字...)或歌曲名稱Wolf Song等也都帶著強烈的個人聯想,更別提數度出現在背景音樂裡的詭異狼嚎聲(半夜聽來還頗為淒涼),Patrick Wolf貫徹自己的姓名學確實相當徹底。
曲風是帶點電氣節奏的英式民謠,Patrick Wolf手上的小提琴當然是編曲的焦點,歌喉還過得去,不好不壞,稚嫩感是一定會有的。其實這種以小提琴為主要樂器的民謠樂手近期值得注目的還有化名為"Final Fantasy":http://www.finalfantasyeternal.com/的Owen Pallett,他是我欣賞"Arcade Fire演出":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/004759.html時的暖場樂隊(其實就一個人),優美的曲調與特殊的編曲風格令人印象非常深刻。他同時於Arcade Fire的專輯Funeral裡擔任客席小提琴手,表演當天也在台上加入Arcade Fire的行列。
Patrick Wolf於近日發行了第二張專輯Wind in the Wires,"評價":http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/record-reviews/w/wolf_patrick/wind-in-the-wires.shtml不壞,不過我對Final Fantasy的首張專輯Has a Good Home來得更有興趣。
Wolf Song
walk tall beneath these trees boy
you monolith not scarred by fallout
us wolves were right behind you and lucifer will never find you
oh no!
the moon, let it guide you, when selene comes, we'll alll know how to fight
dear fenrir, my saviour, come and eat the ones, we know who taste the best
I know just where you've been boy, i've watched you by the stream
and don't be afraid of the dark 'cos the darkness is simply a womb for the lonely
swallow your pride and walk with us through the trees and hills
oh yes! your english eyes they are turning red
I I I I oh I I I I
the moon, let it guide you and i shall find you a home in our heartland, a heart in our homeland
Until the moon is down, until the moon is down
[音 樂]
由 LEE 發表於 March 13, 2005 3:56 AM
由 pulp 發表於 March 13, 2005 2:22 PM
由 茶 發表於 March 14, 2005 1:19 PM
不過這類小提琴singer/songwriter我還是覺得Final Fantasy才是箇中翹楚啊。
由 pulp 發表於 March 17, 2005 3:17 PM
wind in the wires整張聽完後和第一張比起來好像內斂一些..小提琴用的更多了說..喜歡其中的the Gypsy king..現在正在看final fantasy..謝謝你的文章!!
由 aeone 發表於 March 24, 2005 3:21 AM
I like Pat a lot
由 Harry 發表於 June 7, 2005 10:01 AM
hao dong dong
由 zingcoke 發表於 June 18, 2005 7:06 PM
由 7-11 發表於 August 2, 2005 6:38 PM
to 7-11,
由 pulp 發表於 August 22, 2005 1:04 PM