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2005-02-18, 3:05 PM

試聽 - Ray LaMontagne

隨然美國正以無法想像的速度向下沈淪,時常你仍不得不讚嘆這確實是一個築夢的天堂;也許辛勤努力不見得會帶你到充滿蜜糖的應許之地,但小人物奮鬥成功的故事確實也每天在這邊上演。 "Ray LaMontagne":http://www.raylamontagne.com/來自一個父母離異的家庭,母親得撫養包括他在內的六個小孩。Ray高中畢業後就進入製鞋工廠做粗工,於此之前,他的生命和音樂沒有任何交集。有天他上工前,聽到電台裡傳來Stephen Stills唱著Tree Top Flyer,他呆坐在床上,他知道存在於體內的某種東西被喚醒了。那天他沒有去工作,他去唱片行找到了那張唱片,而那個凌晨四點的神奇時分也永遠改變了他的生命。 他辭去了工作,並開始聽起Neil Young、Bob Dylan、Joni Mitchell這些偉大心靈的歌曲。於是他從一名什麼樂器都不會的工廠黑手,在1999年完成了第一張自製Demo,最終被唱片公司看中,並與知名製作人Ethan Johns(Ryan Adams, Kings of Leon, the Jayhawks)於兩週內錄製完了首張專輯Trouble。這張專輯去年九月就發行了,由於封面的緣故,我一直以為是什麼世界音樂的唱片,媒體也不見大幅報導。直至前陣子,在唱片行試聽後才知道我差點忽略了一個動人的好聲音。 Ray LaMontagne常被拿來和Van Morrison或Tim Buckley相較,但我第一次在試聽機前聽到這張唱片時,讓我直接想起的卻是英國的唱作人David Gray,那種舒服淡雅的urban folk,配上悠揚的提琴與迷人的嗓子,好有氣度的音樂。這類使用大量弦樂的民謠歌曲,自己很喜歡的還有"Willard Grant Conspiracy":http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/004674.html,不過他們的民族味又重了一點。 Ray LaMontagne的音樂格外適合有陽光的午後聆聽,他讓我們找到在喧囂生命裡的寧靜片刻。 Hannah I lost all of my vanity when I peered into the pool I lost all of my innocence When I fell in love with you I never knew a man fall so far until I landed here Where all of my wounds turn into gold when I kissed your hair Come to me Hannah Hannah won't you to come on to me I'll lay down this bottle of wine If you'll just be kind to me Ask her why she cries so loud She Will not say a word Eyes like ice and hands that shake She takes what she deserves To celebrate her emptiness In a Cold and lonely room Sweep the floor with your long flowered dress If you cannot find a broom Come to me Hannah Hannah won't you come on to me I'll lay down this bottle of wine If you'll just be kind to me She's got hair that flows right down Right down to the backs of her knees Her Papa he was a preaching man And the lord is hard to please So she comes down from the ozark hills to these very streets to roam With a banjo and a bible and a fine tooth comb Come to me Hannah Hannah won't you come on to me I'll lay down this bottle of wine if you just be kind to me I'd walk one mile on this broken glass to fall down at your feet oh Hannah you're the queen of the street I climb the tree withy my Hannahlee My intentions they were pure Oh the breeze did whip and I lost my grip I tumbled towards the earth Where You never would guess who it was that stood below And his name I would never tell But His eyes were clear And His arms were strong And caught me as I fell Now come to me Hannah Hannah won't you come on to me I'll lay down this bottle of wine If you'd just be kind to me I'd walk one mile on broken glass to fall down at your feet Hannah you're the queen of the street

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由 凡果啦 發表於 July 17, 2006 6:31 AM