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2001-12-29, 1:34 AM

Getting Away With It


James的主唱同時也是全團的靈魂人物Tim Booth於稍早發表了一份聲明,宣佈結束15年來於James的輝煌生涯.你會在這份聲明中看到一個偉大的音樂家對於樂團的熱愛,對於團員的感謝與不捨,對於音樂的執著,對於過往青春的留念,對於樂迷的信任.

讀這份聲明時我一面播放著他們今年的專輯Pleased to meet you,讀到某些字句時,配合著Tim Booth在James中最後的聲音,讓我久久不能自己.


Tim's Statement Regarding His Departure From James

Dear friends,

After much deliberation I have decided it's time for me to leave JAMES.When we started the band we always said we'd give it a year and seehow it went. If you had told me we'd last nearly 20 years I'd have askedyou what drugs you were on. I am leaving on a high.The tour is selling well and will be a great farewell party.For the last two years we have been getting on better with each otherthan ever before. We have made a C.D that I believe to be our best since Laid; yes I have heard that reviews state otherwise but by not reading them I keep myself in a blissful bubble of ignorance. Although some of the Summer gigs were a bit hit and miss the last gig we did, in Athens was one of the best we have ever done.

So why am I leaving? Well because I want to stop while we are on top.To leave great memories knowing that I feel proud of just about everything we have done.And I am leaving because it feels like THE RIGHT TIME.This is an intuitive decision enabling me to let go of a huge commitment and make space for something new to come in.I am sure the press will try and find all kinds of smaller reasons and many of them may be factually true. But this is the greater truth.

I am mid-way through a screen play - which may just be for an audience of one. I am looking forward to teaching creativity workshops,to act and create some new music.If you want to keep in touch, my own web-site should be running by December at timbooth.net.

I don't know what the rest of the guys are going to do but I want to thank them for an amazing ride and for taking my departure so well.For those of you who hate award acceptance thank you's turn away now.I want to thank all the musicians who have ever played in James throughout our various incarnations. Also massive thanks to Peter Rudge,Brian Eno, Traci, Geoff, Simon, Louise, Laurie, Nicola, Neil, Richard, Marsha, Martine, Michael, Joyce, Martin, Angelo and other allies too numerous to mention or remember. I've also got to thank my own personal crew of Kate, Ben, Mepps and Avril.

And finally you. The quality of your listening has enabled us to produce quality. Your faith in us has lifted us to higher levels.It seems like you have managed to always see us through the smokescreen of hipness and cool that the music industry is drowning in.Thank you for listening. Much love.


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好快,六年過去了,James也宣佈復合。主唱Tim Booth將加入原有團員的陣容,在今年展開巡迴。
畢竟連Primal Scream發新專輯都沒來美國了。

pulp 發表於 January 23, 2007 1:52 PM